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'the sun is a daily reminder that we too can rise again from the darkness, that we too can shine our own light.'


the dusky haired, azure eyed girl walks past the florist slowly.

the plants in beige pots, balancing on the window ledge catch her eye and a tiny smile appears on her lips because she notices just how much the plants have grown. the inevitable theme of growth is evident everywhere- humans, nature, peoples durability. Zelda loves to walk past Flores as she gets to experience the small changes to the outer exterior.

she hadn't noticed the modern cafe that had recently opened beside it. the place radiates  a lot of excited energy and sound. so Zelda moves to the side of the path, looking inside to see how occupied it is.

it's definitely busy- packed with intrusive strangers as the smell of coffee and chocolate fills the warm air. it's a welcoming space and Zelda makes sure to take a menu from outside. i'll have to come back- she thinks to herself.

Zelda is an isolated, whist but soft woman who feels like her life is going too fast. she feels everyday finishing before she has the chance to remember. the hands of the clock move without her noticing and the seconds of minutes turn into nothing but forgettable hours in a long day.

she's been alive for twenty four years and although her adult life is better than her childhood, she still has so much she wants to achieve. she wants to do things she didn't know existed, she wants to escape and feel an elated freedom.

Zelda is a growing adult who's experienced too much yet too little. she has no idea if it's good or bad, but the thought itself creates a pit in her stomach.

Zelda's frayed, two year old boots hit against the stone path as she crosses several roads and makes sure to look both right and left. she eventually makes her way to her work place which is located in a soaring, eye catching building.

she walks inside, taking the lift to the highest floor and Zelda greets her boss with a charitable smile. her hand drops her satchel onto her ivory desk and she slumps down in her swivel chair.


Zelda lifts up her head, acknowledging the person immediately- chocolate brown eyes meeting hers. he holds a mauve mug of coffee in his own hands as he waits for a yes or no reply from his friend.

"yes please Taehyung. I'll be there in a sec." Zelda answers and the two share a smile as he rushes away serenely.

the day passes quickly as Zelda finishes work with her friend at the magazine company they work at. "see you later. i'm off to Euphoric Hearts." 

Zelda stops in her tracks- the name of the place sounding familiar on her tongue. "the cafe? yes, I want to check that out too but I have to get home."

"i'll let you know how it is." Taehyung starts to walk away in the opposite direction and he takes out his phone, wakeful eyes moving away from her. "see you tomorrow Z! take care of yourself."

"bye Tae."

Zelda takes the short route home, not liking how the sky turns dim earlier. she takes out her keys and opens the door to her familiar, complacent and vintage apartment. immediately, her eyes look for her best friend- her grandad.

she finds him sat on the leather couch, munching on a green apple as his eyes stay glued to the TV screen which shows the news. another attack, another day. Zelda stands in front of him, communicating with him through sign language- greeting him with a smile, asking him how he is and if he's had his lunch.

Zelda's grandad is a man who does not look his age- seventy eight. an oval head with sharp features, incredibly thin with lanky legs and arms. dappled hair that he keeps telling Zelda to dye brown for him. he replies with- I am okay and yes, I ate your well made pasta from yesterday which makes her smile blissfully.

Zelda is thankful for her deaf grandad who she knows loves her for the person she is. he's the only family she has left and although the thought itself makes her feel desolate, she's cheerful.

her mother committed suicide when Zelda was a teenager. her mother was a suffering woman who had experienced the trauma of a stillborn birth. Zelda's father who's in the army, stopped coming home ever since his wife passed away.

so Zelda is yet another adult who comes from a broken family. she stares at the grid of effective quotes on her wall and she feels guilty for wishing her life could have been different, kinder.

so that was the introduction to the main character Zelda

charming, growing woman with a difficult past, just like all my other characters

... i just exposed myself

still on hiatus but wanted to update this book for my dearest friend L :")

hope you enjoyed it bro @honeybunnytae


please look forward to this book guys <3 thanks for reading ily


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