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'hang in there. it's astonishing how short a time it can take for very wonderful things to happen.'


"I don't know what to buy him."


"no! that's weird."


Zelda sighs, turning around in her swivel chair- blocking out Taehyung's futile suggestions. the boy seems to say anything that comes to his mind.

Zelda is hassled because it's her grandads birthday and her mind always goes vacant when it comes to presents. she's terrible. It's always either a chocolate box or bath products. last year she got her grandad a board game. even for Taehyung, she went with the most basic present of a mug that said good vibes only.

he uses it at the busy office just to make Zelda feel special.

"flowers Zelda!" Taehyung suggests with a pen in his hand- his excitement showing as his lips forms into a circle. "everyone loves flowers."

Zelda turns around, her back leaning against her chair. she's about to argue against Taehyung's idea until she starts to think seriously about it. "yeah I guess it'll do." she replies- not being fussy. it's better than no present at all.

the work day ends for Zelda and Taehyung, they make their way out of the crowded lift and into the fresh, alleviating air of their small town.

"I know where to get flowers from." Taehyung hums and Zelda sighs when he starts to walk too fast- he has long legs .. that's an advantage! "my friend works there so you can get them for free."

Zelda catches up to the tall man in stylish clothing. she admires the ivory bandana around his neck, his frayed jeans- rolled up at the bottom and his slip on shoes. "my cheap self is happy to hear that." and Taehyung laughs loudly before shouting- we love a good discount!

the two of them approach a place Zelda walks past everyday but has never visited. she's never needed to buy flowers. the florist- Flores. she sees it every morning on her way to work, it's never busy unlike the cafe next door.

Zelda follows her friend, Taehyung into the florist- she's certain he's been here before because he's a man who loves art and flowers are art. she can imagine him saying- art is all around us!

he's also a man who loves to explore which is why he knows of every book store, anime store, gallery and museum in their town. although there's less than he would like, he's satisfied. he could be a faultless tour guide since his ability to persuade others to visit the glorious, artistic aspects of his town would not fail.

Taehyung's chilled gaze remains forward as he walks towards the till counter. this contrasts with Zelda's gaze as she's suddenly awake, nervous too. she hates unfamiliar situations which require her talking to people. her eyes are looking everywhere- she's amazed by the sizeable cluttered groups and bouquets of beautifully layered flowers, all clashing shapes, sizes and darling colours. art really is everywhere.

that's until her azure eyes meet the boy at the desolate counter.

Zelda has never believed in love at first sight. she thinks it's impossible to make eye contact with a good looking stranger and fall in love with them straight away- the feeling being mutual.

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