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'butterflies cannot see their wings. but the rest of the world can.'


Zelda walks past her friends desk and feels the need to tease him. her mood is sprightly and full of unexpected bliss which she wants to thank Jimin for.

he's a blessing. ever since he's been in his life, he's given her the love she feels she deserves and needs. the happiness that surrounds the couple when they're together is uplifting and tender.

Zelda stops at Taehyung's work desk and eyes the polaroid of him and his girlfriend. it's a silly picture where the couple are looking at each other with huge smiles and eyes filled with giddiness. she smiles at the momentous picture stuck to his computer so he can always remember her at work when he's stressed or in need of her and she's too far away physically.

he's writing away at his desk, pen in his hand as he focuses his gaze on the detailed paper in front of him. his handwriting is untidy, harsh to the paper as he seems to scribble down notes. he's multi tasking by thinking too hard at the same time. Taehyung doesn't notice his friend Zelda until she lets out a low chuckle at his morning dedication.

he greets her and waits for her to say something. "why is this so cute?" Zelda points to the picture, a look of affection on her glossy face.

"because my girlfriend is in it." he clearly thinks the world of her.

Zelda stops herself from swooning and decides to questions him. "will i ever meet her?" she's been wanting to meet Talulah ever since he brought her up which was on their first introduction at work. they bumped into each other at the coffee machine in the kitchen, where the whipped cream was overflowing. immediately Taehyung was wonderfully open with his reassuring smiles, literal hugs that squished her frame and warm greetings.

it enabled Zelda to be courageous and open too. she was excited to be his friend and she's glad he made her more bold. and here they are today.

Zelda hears so much about Talulah on a daily basis and she wants to desperately spend time with the girl who projects amusement and hidden love. she wants to meet the girl who makes Taehyung so happy that his cheeks hurt.

"of course." Taehyung replies and gives her a lovely boxy smile.

his promise became true because Zelda met Talulah with Taehyung for the first time the next day. she was stunned but ecstatic to see such pure love. the scene inspired her. the two of them were outside of Flores, sharing earphones as they danced crazily to upbeat music. the music flowing through their ears meant nothing when compared to the glee and affection that radiated off them when they looked at each other, oblivious to the passing world.

Zelda arrives at Euphoric Hearts and walks inside, instantly feeling better due to the warmth contrasting with the gusty weather outside.

Zelda and Namjoon notice each other at the same time. they both call out to one another with their names leaving each other's lips and a complaint about how cold the weather is. her clumsy friend is seated in a booth with a laptop and dangling earphones with a lazy smile.

Zelda feels warm inside when she realises he's her friend. she's never had many for no obvious reason, she just preferred to be alone but she always craved the idea of a friendship group.

she unzips her coat and her teeth start to chatter as the frosty air rushes inside due to the open door. Zelda turns around to see a tall man with a face so flawless and symmetrical- ebony hair and amber eyes, enter the cafe with a thin jacket in the windy, slightly wet weather.

the strangers eyes look around, until they fall upon the person he was looking for and that is Namjoon. they greet each other with a hug and merry smiles.

however, the encounter seems intimate to Zelda as she observes them from afar. Namjoon and the mystery man with a loud personality and voice.

Zelda stays seated at the table inside, thinking about whether or not she should order a hot chocolate but decides not to when thinking about how it would make her feel sleepy. therefore, she continues to write a draft for her latest article- thoughts of a hot drink being lost in her mind of countless thoughts and feelings.

that's until Zelda's interrupted by a presence she didn't expect.

the manager of Euphoric Hearts, the quiet book lover and the shy stranger who followed his dream yet holds a look that has evident unhappiness.

he stops in front of her table, tapping the back of his hand against the stiff surface and he murmurs. "sorry for disturbing you but Jimin from next door is asking you to come and see him."

and he leaves, not waiting for an answer.

so a baffled Zelda stands up and collects her items before walking to the florist next door to see her boyfriend. the term itself makes butterflies swarm in her stomach as her legs start to feel like jelly. asking for me? and she's exhilarated.

and Jimin beams, rushing to her when she pushes through the florist doors. his arms come to her sides, his hands stroking down her body and his lips meet hers passionately. her hands drop her things as she wraps her arms around his neck, their warm bodies pressed together. i missed you, Jimin tells Zelda as the two of them smile widely.


i hope you guys are doing well & that life is treating you with blessings

this book is bringing a lot of characters back from the past and my other books such as, Namjoon from Two Sides, now Jin, Jungkook as the manager, Yoongi as the boy Zelda met at the florist ..

i'm feeling inspired with this book again so that's good news aksj

all the love, A

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