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'if you have the power to make someone happy, do it. the world needs more of that.'


Zelda's dad was back, late for Christmas but present for once.

he apologised, held Zelda in shock as tears ran down his face. i'm back now- he mutters before reaching over and pulling her grandad into a group hug. she couldn't believe it, she didn't want to and she felt loathing at the time.

she was the one who looked after her grandad all these years, provided for him, worked for him yet her dad chose to stay in the army, not coming back on purpose because of his dead wife, forgetting about his only child.

Zelda finds it hard to forgive her dad for his actions. she asked him for time to think so he left with a dejected smile- leaving a paper with his number.

she believes she did the right thing to do but the frown on her grandads face made her feel guilty. but Zelda understood. her dad was suffering too, due to the loss of a baby that was never born and the suicide of his wife. yet he held selfish traits that made him not look after his only daughter and an elderly, deaf man.

so Zelda decided she needed a break, wanting to distract herself so she asked her boyfriend out on a date.

he said yes so now the two of them stand in Jimin's kitchen, making food for the picnic they had planned.

Jimin sighs in content, placing the last sandwich on the pile. "i'm so happy the sun is shining." he admits.

Zelda nods, placing more food into the picnic basket. "it feels like summer doesn't it?" she asks, enjoying the way the sun flicks through the open windows, the fresh air coming into the room, the strange heat on her skin and the sounds of birds greeting each other.

Jimin smiles, agreeing with her before pressing a small kiss on her lips.

the couple kiss occasionally as they shuffle around the kitchen, preparing food for their picnic together. Jimin made sandwiches just in case because he felt the urge to have fried chicken instead.

"i'm excited." Jimin mumbles, speaking to himself but Zelda hears. "i've never been on a date to the movies." he reaches Zelda as she tightens the cap of the water bottle she had filled up.

i've never been on a date in my life- Zelda wants to say. "especially a drive in movie date." she winks and feels Jimin's smile against her neck as he buries his face there, holding her securely.

thirty minutes later, the relaxed couple arrive at the park- adding to the lovers present and ready to watch a movie. the big screen is set up with a romantic comedy, nature surrounding it as people sit on their cars and some sit on blankets. it's a nice contrast from a movie in the theatre, dark room with seats.

Zelda feels nothing but euphoria and affection when she squeezes Jimin's hand, knowing she's on a date with a man she got so lucky to find.

the two of them make their spot under the tree as comfortable as possible. snacks, a range of food items spill out of the basket along with drinks as they lay on top of their blanket, on the grass.

as they lay together, Zelda and Jimin fall harder for each other. Jimin's chest pressed against Zelda's back as his arms wrap around her, occasionally tightening their hold and bringing her closer- kissing her wherever he can such as, the top of her ears, the back of her neck, her slender fingers, her blushing cheeks. her hands play with his hair at one point as he lays on her lap, staring up at her instead of the movie as they whisper sweet nothings and get distracted with devoting kisses that soften each other's lips.

"i love the way your mind works." Jimin tells Zelda as he sits behind her, arms loosely wrapped around her waist as he looks at her from the side- hair tickling her skin as a slow smile plays on his lips.

his lips are soft and leave a deep yearning inside Zelda's stomach when he kisses her, taking her lips with his. don't make me want to say i love you- she stops herself from saying anything.

the couple enjoy the movie in each other's presence- laughing and crying over unfamiliar scenes. early spring couldn't have felt better for the lovers as Zelda told Jimin. "i'm so glad i have you."

Zelda's mind is racing with thoughts about her article on love- why is it so hard? where is my motivation? why am i still struggling with this piece of work?

she sits back in her seat, a huff leaving her lips- her hands freezing on top of her keyboard, as she looks around the garden table to see Taehyung working on his laptop, snapback on his head, eyes lowered and focused, Talulah playing with a dynamic flower she picked with fiddly fingers and Namjoon staring at something in the distance. when she follows his gaze to see what he's staring at, she's not surprised to see its Jin, of course.

Jin is talking to Jungkook as he cleans the tables, helping out his friend. his jumper seems to be itching him as he scratches his neck, fiddling. their conversation is one full of banter yet seriousness but it makes everyone feel a little lighter when Jungkook smiles an uncommon smile.

then a girl walks in, past the boys- no one noticing her as she gets served by Shira at the till. the stranger purchases a black coffee and a faint Val is heard when asked for her name for the cup.

Val turns around, noticing black bangs and full lips- Jin, and her eyes widen as she rushes out the cafe.

Zelda thought Jin wouldn't notice the girl that seemed to know him but he does, he glances at the closed door, the sudden wind that pushed into him and the look on his face changes from relaxation to sadness and even guilt.

Zelda almost jumps when Jin meets her staring gaze and she quickly looks away. there's a secret she doesn't know about Jin, no one seems to know.

hi hi hi

fatalistic love reference finally !!!
poor val :(

also what do you guys think about zelda's decision about her dad?

bts' comeback is so soon!!
let's get it

have a good day guys
A <3

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