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'not everything that weighs you down is yours to carry.'


as Zelda walks out of the work kitchen, she nearly jumps with her cup of tea at the sound of her boss, Nora's voice as she holds her phone to her ear.

"mi amor." the older lady murmurs and Zelda notices a sense of trouble on her makeup free face. "happiness and positivity doesn't last forever. there's always a bitch that fucks it up... and if the perfect bitch doesn't come along then, it's God playing games with you. so be careful." she snaps quietly.

Zelda raises her brows- astonished by the indirect advice she just got given. useful and will come in handy! she simply sips her warm drink before moving to gather her things from her desk. it's time for her to go home to her family.

Zelda picks up her satchel, wraps her scarf around her neck and shuts off the computer in front of her before taking the empty lift to the ground floor. she assumes Taehyung has already left to go home.

but she realises that she's wrong when she spots him outside. his posture is straight and casual, taking off his bold earrings and slipping them into the back pocket of his charcoal jeans as he converses with a lady that seems familiar.

when she turns around to glance at Zelda, it's then that she realises it's the woman who appeared rough, had an unapproachable attitude but is the one who's love story didn't go to plan, the one Jin told her about. it's Elianna and Zelda feels intimidated, just like she did when they met for the first time.

this time Zelda knows Elianna more than she thinks.

Taehyung finishes his conversation with Elianna before the two of them walk over to Zelda, who has no idea how to react in this particular situation.

Taehyung greets Zelda as Elianna stays stood with her hands in her pockets, giving a brief nod of acknowledgement. small talk fills the air and Taehyung starts to leave, waving goodbye to the girls.

Zelda also turns to leave, in the opposite direction, mumbling a quiet bye to Elianna until she's interrupted. "Zelda! i'm walking that way, lets walk together." a demanding voice follows her.

so Elianna joins Zelda's side, the two walking along a flower path that they're both used to walking alone on. Zelda tries to ignore the awkwardness, digging her hands into the pockets of her lengthy coat as she walks slowly so her new friend doesn't think she's running away.

the silence doesn't fit the air between them and it starts to feel strained. the nerves of being strangers is evident and the sound of boots and rugged trainers tap against the pavement as the contrast between the two people appears clear.

"so what are you working on right now?" Elianna asks, starting a conversation. Zelda can tell from the single question that she is what people say she is, a sweet talker that's friends with everyone. she has the ability to charm, make people fall both positively and negatively and despite the heartbreak that she doesn't seem to hide on her outside exterior... she's flawless and doesn't want to change for anyone.

Jungkook made a mistake.

Zelda's answer is simple, the word love leaves her lips. but the feeling after, when the image of Park Jimin and his golden locks come into mind... the word has a contrary, unique meaning.

Elianna scoffs, not pleased with the topic as she looks ahead. Zelda feels weird because she feels like she's known the confident, stunning, withdrawn woman her whole life, she expected a bad reaction to love. "ah that bitch, always a good one to write about i guess." Elianna states, referring to the concept of love.

the silence reappears and Zelda takes in Elianna's physical appearance. it's one that shows she didn't want to leave her house today. and she sure as hell didn't leave with the intention of socialising. gloomy, frizzy waves that are shorter than the last time she saw her, brunet emotionless eyes that appear black unless you stare closer, deep eye bags and hollowed cheekbones as the lack of sleep and food becomes clear and the layers of clothing she's wearing doesn't seem to help as she continues to shiver. Zelda's too concerned about her dreadful state which makes Zelda's eyes widen when she misses Elianna's question.

"have you ever been in love?"

and Zelda wants to say, i know you have, anyone could tell just from the way you look and i know you need a hug but you'll push me away from you. Taehyung gives good hugs by the way. i wish you knew how much Jungkook is struggling too, i think he regrets it all...

"yeah." Zelda looks down, trying to hide the shy smile on her face when the same flower boy pops into her head. let's hope he feels the same way. "i think i'm starting to fall in love, what about you?"

"i fell in love and it messed me up." Elianna replies swiftly, it's as if she's been waiting for someone to ask that specific question, waiting for someone to ask about him. "he broke my heart."

and it's true that our own experiences shape our opinions on subjects.

Zelda nods, not wanting to say i know because she may know but what she doesn't know is Elianna's feelings, perceptions and experiences. but saying she knows is not the right thing to say to someone who's not in a good place. it's Elianna's story to tell, to explain and she wants to be there for her, not rub the long lasting issue in her face. the silence returns and this time, it's one that holds recognition and strangely comfort.

then Elianna breaks the silence, letting out a laugh. "tell Jimin you love him." her sentence is simple yet the complications it holds makes Zelda weaken. it's not easy, love will never be easy.

"wait, you know?" Zelda asks, flustered that she knows about Jimin and her. Jimin's friends somehow amaze her, from Jin, Namjoon, Jungkook, Yoongi, Hoseok (the man with the kid), Taehyung to Elianna- the fierce individual.

"yes tell him before it's too late." she throws a smile over her shoulder- one that admires Zelda's courage for choosing to fall in love so passionately.

because once Elianna did the same. she took the apple from the tree, unresolved conflicts from the past still floating in her mind and now it was starting to cost her her miserable life.

so that's the girl Jungkook waits for everyday hoping she'll come back to him

Zelda walks down the busy lane of people, on her way to her boyfriend's apartment- a small, confined home to a boy with angelic features and a smile that makes her feel warmer than the sunshine that's currently saying goodbye.

she knocks on the door after a few seconds and waits with her hands clasped in front of her with a patient smile.

Jimin shouts hi lovely baby from behind the door and he sounds giddy. Zelda can't help the smile that forms on her face, feeling the devotion seeping into her chest.

when the door opens, the couple are giddy indeed. Jimin pulls Zelda into the warm room of his home, wrapping his arms around her as they kiss. "you're so lovely," he kisses her nose, cradling her in his arms. "we're so lovely." his nose nudges hers, "lovely lovely... lovely."

and it hits Zelda hard when she realises this is exactly where she wants to be after a long day of work- in the comfort of his arms, soft kisses pressing against her neck and head. what hits her harder is the fact that she's in love- so in love.

the fortunate couple envelope each other with evident affection, through held hands and brushing against lips and the rest of the night is one that became special to their taken hearts- slow dancing to songs they adored, music and lyrics that spoke to their dancing souls and the elegant lit candles added to the aura.

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