flowering reed

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'hope- it is the only thing stronger than fear.'


what is love?
written by Zelda

when given this article to write, i struggled for days and weeks with my hands in my hair, a frown on my face, seeking inspiration from the world, because love is not an easy, straight forward topic for the people of society to address. it's usually brushed off a shoulder, closed off due to personal experiences- love is everything but nothing at the same time.

so i drew inspiration from the people around me which was ... odd because i'm an introvert with zero experience of love and romance and i have social anxiety. but somehow, i joined a group of friends who gave me everything i needed.

not just inspiration but also friendship so i dedicate this to them and their love stories that have made me smile, cry, pity them yet want to hug them.

stories of falling in and out of love, breaking others unintentionally, being intertwined with others so tightly that it affects the way you live your life, not being able to love someone the way you want to because you're afraid and your heart belongs to someone else, ignoring the sides to love that are easy to forget and being stuck in a love maze so harsh.

love: noun.
intense feeling of deep affection- that is the definition of love.

it's a vague four letter word to describe such elaborate, monstrous, foolish, realistic and overwhelming mix of emotions. you either bloom of love, growing petals of happiness and content or you wither due to the pain it causes. it's either medicine or poison which makes you feel alive or broken.

love is feared. love is terrifying. no one knows when it's going to arrive at your doorstep and whether it'll be a bouquet of flowers or guns and violence.

love is maybe a mixture of love, peace and unity. it's when you are at peace with a persons presence. when you can appreciate people for the content of their character. when you want only the good things to happen for others.

love is blissful and full of longing.
when two are engulfed in such euphoria to the point where they feel as if absolutely nothing can stop them and their flourishing love because it's so empowering. love isn't just cuddles and dates, it's being there for them mentally and physically, when they're crying about a hard day at work, when they need some time alone and being okay with that. love is chaos but it will also lead to sweet comfort.

love is innocence. it's the exploration of persistent emotions when you first fall for someone. it's the introduction to feelings you never knew you were capable of feeling. lust, joy, warmth, commotion, understanding and jealousy. for love to work, you have to balence it like a seesaw. there should be equal and mutual understanding between the two individuals. it's giving them the ability to hurt you, trusting they won't.

love is hurtful. it's finding glory in someone. you truly love them if they've hurt you and you still think they're the best person in the world. there is a huge difference between lust and love! it's when you spend extensive, draining weeks trying to get over the newfound bitterness that crept its way into your safe love.

love is unpredictable. most people are unlucky, but some are lucky. love is not for everyone. you know those people who look away when a romantic scene plays in a movie? those people. love isn't perfect as everyone claims to be, it can have a downfall and most of the time you can't control or see it. it's something we yearn for, but stay away from.

love is a feeling that you cannot erase or describe. love is accepting someone, even their flaws, insecurities, little quirks and personality. whether it be your family, friends or yourself. love isn't finding a perfect person. it's seeing an imperfect person perfectly.

love is a lie.

love is not explainable. love is undefinable .. yet you can feel it when your heart becomes warm and that warmth spreads throughout your body and you feel like all is right, even if it's for a few seconds. 

love is influential. I think love is something that changes a person. it makes people a lot more happier,  healthier and aware. it's accepting the fact that love is not perfect, but beautiful nonetheless. love makes us express the good sides of ourselves.

love is complicated. it means different things to different people. it's a conflicting experience from one person to another, because love transcends in the way you view it, how your experiences affected you, and how you've coped with it. love can only co-exist with peace and harmony and that is a lesson to be taught.

i have to say a huge thank you to all the answers to the question- what is love?
on one of my chapters in my book LTR this is for them, their ideas, their thoughtful and heartfelt answers that made me inspired :")

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