Chapter One

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Talia's POV
Portland, Maine 1920

Max and I were passing through Maine. We had been all over the country, not stopping, but only going back and forth. We stopped and settled down for the day in an abandoned shed, just to figure out where we were going next. It was much easier to travel during the night, less chance to be seen by humans.

"We could go back to Louisiana for a bit," Max suggested. I shrugged, "I don't really care. As long as we never go back to Florida. It's way too sunny there," I said. Max nodded, agreeing with me. We quickly found out that we freaking sparkle in sunlight. How convenient.

"We can start again tomorrow. But I'm tired of moving right now," Max said. "Me too," I said. "How long has it been?" I asked. "About 24 years, now," Max sighed. "I miss mom and dad, and Natalie. She's turning 25 this year," I said sadly. Max nodded, "I miss them too, Tali," he said quietly. "Why can't we just go back and see them? We don't even have to talk to them, I just want to see them," I said. If I could still cry, I would be drowning in my own tears.

"Talia, I want to see them too. But we can't control ourselves. We would be putting them all in danger. Do you want to put our baby sister in danger?" Max asked. I shook my head in defeat. "Ya'know, Natalie probably has her own family by now. A husband, kids. Maybe even a dog. She always loved animals." Max laughed a little, "Remember the neighbor dog Sadie? She was the sweetest little dog," he reminisced.

I laughed, "Little? She could knock me down and all she had to do was wag her tail." "Well that was just because you're tiny, " Max said, a teasing smile on his face. "I am not," I defended.

"Yes you are."

"I am not."

"Are to."

"Am not!"

"Are to!"

"Fine, you win. Just stop yelling," I said closing my eyes. "You started it," Max said. "You are such a child," I said. Max smiled at me, "And I'm stuck like this forever!" My smile fell and I sighed deeply. "What's wrong?" he asked, his smile faltering. "It's nothing you can fix," I brushed him off. "Try me," he demanded.

"I just wish there was another way to survive. We're murderers, Max. That's not okay. There has to be another way, right?" I asked. Max sighed, "Tali, I know how much you hate it, but what else are we supposed to do? We can't just starve ourselves. What if another vampire comes along and we have to kick his ass? How are we supposed to do that if we're too weak to stand?" Max asked.

"Okay, I get it. We have to. That doesn't mean I like it, though," I said crossing my arms across my chest. "You don't have to like it," Max said, "You just have to do it."


Florence City, Colorado 1959

It was raining really hard outside so Max and I decided to step into a basically empty cafe and wait it out. We stepped inside and I shook the rain water off of my coat and sat in a booth against the back wall, while Max followed after me. We sat across from one another silently, watching the rain fall outside the window.

The little bell above the door chimed as another person walked in. It was only 5:00 in the morning, who could be up that early? We both ignored the noise and kept our heads down, but it became a little less easy to ignore when a small, pixie-like girl sat down beside me. "What the actual fuck," I thought.

I looked across from me at Max and noticed that a guy with blond hair and golden eyes had sat next to him. Max looked as confused as I felt.

"Um, excuse me," I said turning to the girl, "but who are you?" I asked. She smiled at me as the guy beside Max just sat completely still. "I'm Alice. This is Jasper," she nodded towards the guy next to Max. I was about to tell them to hit the road, but I couldn't bring myself to stop staring at the pretty boy with blonde hair.

"It's okay," Alice said, "We're vampires, too." I turned my head around so fast, if I was human, I probably would have gotten whiplash. "What?" Max asked quietly. Alice nodded, "We are. Do you want to know how I knew you would be here?" she asked.

I nodded unsurely. "I can see the future," she said simply. "Right. And I'm a magical fairy unicorn that lives on rainbow island," Max said. "It's true," Jasper spoke for the first time. His southern drawl caught me off guard. "So where's your rainbow island?" he asked, raising an eyebrow at Max with a smirk on his beautiful face.

I smiled at Max, "I'd like to see it too," I said. "Hey, you're supposed to be on my side," he said. I shrugged, "Sorry Maxxy, I'm kinda liking the physic chic and the hot blond," I said. Alice smiled and Jasper smirked at me. "Fine, whatever. You can see the future, why exactly are you here though?" Max asked. "Because we've found our soulmates," she answered.

"Um, what are you talking about?" I asked. "You know, like your one true love. The person you were born to be with. Do you know what I'm talking about?" She asked. "I think so," I said. "So how do you know you've found them?" I asked.

"It's different for people like us. When you find your soulmate, it makes you feel like your dead heart is beating again. Like you would do anything in the world to protect that person, you would never let anything hurt them. It feels like you're suddenly the happiest person in the room, just because you see them," Jasper said. Well, fuck. That got me right in the feels.

"How do you know who it is?" Max asked. "You just do," Alice replied. That's when it clicked. Alice was here for Max, I could see it in the way they stared each other down. When I met Jasper's eyes across the table, I knew he was here for me.

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