chapter six

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Talia's POV

A week has gone by and Edward's coming home tonight. It's about damn time too. I don't think I could've dealt with Bella's stalker-ish stares for any longer.

I sat in the living room next to Jasper and Alice on the couch. We were watching Max and Emmett wrestle in the floor. Carlisle sat in his chair, flipping through a book. Rose was looking through a fashion magazine and Esme was yelling at the the boys to settle down.

"You guys are going to break my stuff! I work really hard on decorating our homes and you two are always breaking things," Esme exasperated.

Max stood up, "Sorry mom. We're done now," he said. Emmett tried to stand up beside him, but Max put a hand on his shoulder pushing him back down to the floor. I laughed causing Emmett to glare playfully at me and Max to smile.

"Let him up, Max," Alice said standing up and grabbing his hand. Emmett stood up and sat beside Rose, throwing an arm around her shoulders.

"When is Edweirdo going to be back?" I asked. "I heard that," Edward said walking into the house. "Eh, I don't really care. I call you that to your face too," I shrugged. Jasper smiled as Edward rolled his eyes at me.

I stood up and Edward finally smiled, accepting the hug I was forcing upon him. "I missed you, bro. I had to listen to Max talk about sex all week because you weren't here to tell him to shut the hell up," I said. He laughed, "Well then I'll make sure to take no more vacations."

"I know you're being sarcastic, but seriously no more vacations," I said pointing my finger at him. He nodded and greeted everyone else as Jasper stood up coming to me and hugging me from behind. "You're such a good person," he said quietly. "Not really, but whatever you say," I said.

"You all should go hunting tonight before school. None of you have been all weekend, except maybe Edward," Carlisle said. We all nodded. "I'm just gonna head out now then," Max said. Alice followed him and Emmett and Rosalie followed her.

I turned to Jasper, "We can go later," he said. I nodded and gave the remaining three people a small smile before running up the stairs, Jasper right behind me.


We pulled into the school parking lot, parking in our usual spot. We climbed out and stood next to the cars. Edward glanced towards the other side of the lot every 30 seconds, watching for Bella.

"Trust me Eddie, you'll know when she gets here. That damn truck can be heard a mile away, even without the supernatural hearing," Max said. Edward ignored him, watching the entrance of the lot as Bella's truck pulled in.

I rolled my eyes, walking off towards the school. Rosalie was right behind me. Jasper and Emmett were following us.

"Come on babe, what's the problem?" Emmett asked. She ignored him, "She's the problem," I hissed quietly, pointing outside.

"Tali, we talked about this. You guys should at least give her a chance," Jasper told us. I rolled my eyes, "Fine. I'll deal with her for Edward's sake, but I'm not going to lie and pretend I like her," I told him. Emmett looked at Jasper, a wide smirk on his face. "Damn Jasper, how do you deal with her. Feisty little beast," Emmett commented. I glared at him while Jasper only shook his head ignoring him.

"At least be civil?" Jasper hopefully asked. The bell rang and I went to walk away, but he grabbed my arm as Rosalie and Emmett left for their class. "We'll see," I said. He sighed but nodded, dropping it for now.

We walked to our first class that we had together, taking our seats in the back. He grabbed my hand, entertwining our fingers and bringing the back of my hand to his lips placing a gentle kiss there.

We sat through the whole class, quietly talking to each other about anything and everything that came to mind. About every 10 minutes he would place another kiss on my cheek, making me giggle quietly. And every time he would say the exact same thing, "I love the sound of your laugh. Just about as much as I love you."

Jasper was definitely the sweetest man I had ever met. I honestly don't understand how he could have done the things he did. How he could have killed humans and other vampires without even thinking twice about it. I do know that if I were to ever cross paths with that bitch Maria, I would definitely kill her without a second thought. No question about it. Jasper knows this too, as does the rest of the family. They don't blame me, they're not necessarily ecstatic about it, but they understand my reasons. I would probably do the same thing if I ever saw Joseph or Mary again too.

I was more than thankful for Alice, for finding Jasper and bringing him to the Cullen's. The same goes for Jasper's friends from the war, Peter and Charlotte. I have only met them once, back in the 70's, but they were definitely people I considered family and I know Jasper did too.


At the end of the day, I walked out of class and put my books into my locker and slammed it shut. Jasper walked up behind me and grabbed my hand entering our fingers. "Are you ready to go home?" He asked. I nodded started walking towards the doors.

When we got home, Carlisle and Esme were just about to leave. "Where are you guys going?" Rose asked. "Date night," Esme replied. "We're headed to Seattle. We'll be back before morning," Carlisle smiled. "Have fun," I said waving to them. They both smiled and walked to their car, getting in and taking off down the long driveway.

"Well, we're off to hunt," Emmett said. Him and Rosalie turned and ran off into the woods. "We should go too," Alice said smiling at me and Jasper as she pulled Max of towards the trees. They soon were out of sight as well. I looked at Edward with an eyebrow raised. He didn't say anything, just turned around and sterted walking off. "And do you have any particular destination?" I asked him. "Bella's house." I rolled my eyes and turned around and walked inside with Jasper behind me.

When we got inside, Jasper wrapped his arms around my waist and started kissing my neck. "Oh, so that's why they all left, isn't it?" I asked. "Well Edward knew what I was thinking and I'm sure Alice saw something related and then told everyone else. So yes, that is probably why everyone left," he said. I could feel him smirking as he kissed my neck some more.

He pulled me upstairs to our room and closed the door behind us. I giggled as he sped over to me and started taking my clothes off. This was going to be fun.

I'm not going to write they're "intimate moments" unless someone tells me otherwise. So go ahead and imagine that however you want.

Edit: people commented saying yes to the smut, so the next chapter is purely smut and not necessary to the storyline if you don't want to read.

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