Chapter Three

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Talia's POV
Forks, Washington 2003

Alice pulled me and Max in and out of every single store in the mall. She bought all sorts of new things, things that she probably didn't even have room for. I know I didn't. At first, I had found a few outfits that looked cute and that was going to be it for me. But no. I ended up with enough clothes that I could wear a brand new outfit everyday of the year and not even touch my old clothes. Okay, I might be exaggerating a little, but still.

By the time she finally let us go home, it was almost 9:00 pm. I got out of the car and shut the door and I was immediately pulled into the strong arms of my amazing husband. "When she said you guys were going shopping, I didn't think you would be gone all day," Jasper said.

I laughed, "You underestimate Alice," I said, "she'll literally make you shop till you drop." "You are definitely right," Alice said walking past us. Max followed her carrying all of her bags. "Jasper, you can carry Tali's. Trust me, there's not near as many," he said.

Jasper let go of me and got all of my bags out if the Max's car. "Where are you even going to put all of this?" Jasper asked me. "I honestly have no clue," I told him. He carried the bags inside and up to our room, passing Esme and Carlisle along the way. "Oh, my," Esme said. I nodded, "Alice," I said simply. They nodded in understanding.

Once in our room, Jasper dropped my bags on the floor. I saw that he had finished unpacking all of our things. "I don't think our closet is big enough for all of this," Jasper said. "Yeah," I sighed. "I'll have Alice and Rosalie help me go through my old clothes and get rid of some of them," I said. He nodded, "That might be a good idea."

"Actually, we got you some new clothes too," I said sitting down on the couch. "What's wrong with my clothes?" Jasper asked. "Nothing, but we're starting school again so everybody gets new clothes," I said. He sighed and sat down next to me.

We sat there for a while, doing nothing but cuddling. Jasper always says he's not really into the whole cuddling thing, but that's a huge lie. He loves it just as much as I do.

Carlisle called us all downstairs, so we got up and I used my super amazing vampire speed to get there before everyone else. I sat on the couch as everyone else came down.

"What's up, daddio?" Max asked. Rose rolled her eyes at him. Carlisle smiled at him, "You all start school tomorrow. Talia, Alice, and Edward are starting as freshman, the rest of you will be sophomores. You know the deal, try to avoid people as much as possible. Especially Talia and Jasper, I know you two struggle the most," he said.

"What time does school start?" Emmett asked. "8:20. I want you guys to leave the house around 7:30. That way you have plenty of time to find your way around the school before all the other students get there, understood?" Carlisle asked. Everyone nodded. "Good. I suggest you all go hunting tonight, just so you won't be as tempted tomorrow."

"Well in that case, I'm gonna go do that," I said standing up. "I'll come too," Jasper said following me. "We might as well all go," Max said. "Be careful. Remember the treaty line. We don't want any trouble with the wolves," Esme said. "The what now?" I asked stopping in my tracks. "You don't know about the werewolves?" Emmett asked. I shook my head, "There are freaking werewolves too?" I asked. Everyone nodded, "And no one told me this?" I asked.

"We didn't want you to freak out. Kind of like you're doing now," Max said. "Wow. My feelings are hurt guys," I said placing a hand over my un-beating heart. "Well now you know. Can we go now?" Rosalie asked. "Fine," I sighed.

We ran out of the house together, before splitting up in the forest. It was me and Jasper together, as we searched for something to drink. Finally, I heard a mountain lion walking nearby and I took off after it. I saw it as it was stalking a doe and her fawn. I waited a second before pouncing on top of it and biting down on its neck.

Once I was finished, I went and found Jasper. He wasn't too far away, when I found him he was draining the blood from a large deer. Like seriously, I've never seen a deer that big before. Once he was finished, he wiped his mouth and walked over to me. He brought his hand up and gently wiped the corner of my lips with his thumb, when he pulled his hand away there was a but of blood on his thumb. Oops.

He leaned down and placed his lips on mine, kissing me passionately. There was a cough behind us and I pulled away and turned around to see Alice and Max. "Hey, I get you guys are like married and everything, but dude, that's still my sister. And that was just weird for me," Max said.

"Then maybe you should leave us alone," Jasper said rolling his eyes. "Whatever. Anyway, it's almost 3:00. So we're going to head back now," Alice said. "We're coming too," I said grabbing Jasper's hand and pulling him with me. We ran home and Alice helped me pick out an outfit for our first day.

Finally, at around 5:00, Alice and I finally agreed on an outfit. It ended up being a white, pink, and black patterned sweater with black skinny jeans, a black scarf, and black lace up boots. Jasper and I cuddled on our couch for a little bit until about 6:00 when I went to shower.

Once I was finished and dressed, I had Rose braid my hair for me then I put my shoes on and sat with Jasper and Edward on the couch in the living room.

"It's 7:30," Max said. Carlisle had already left for his job at the hospital, so it was just us "children" and Esme. "Go on. Have fun, be careful," Esme said, shooing us out the door. Jasper and I rode with Emmett and Rosalie in Emmett's jeep, Max, Alice, and Edward rode in Max's precious car.

I freaking hate school.

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