chapter fifteen

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"Alice, I don't even want to go to prom," I complained. "Too bad. You're going and you're going to enjoy it," she said finishing my hair. I sighed and stopped arguing, knowing I wasn't going to win. "Besides, you look absolutely beautiful. Jasper will think so too." I rolled my eyes but continued sitting still.

"There, now go put your dress on!" She instructed. I did as she said and slipped on the black dress that Esme bought me. She did my makeup and I put in my earrings that Jasper bought me last year. "Alice, these shoes look like death traps." "Oh hush, you're already dead."


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Soon enough, I was walking to the car with Jasper. He opened my door for me and smiled. "Aren't you such a nice gentlemen. And they say chivalry is dead," I smiled. He shrugged, "I guess I'm just old fashioned like that."

When we got to the dance, I saw Bella sitting on a bench by the front waiting on Edward. Jacob was sitting with her and they were talking. Jasper parked the car and got out and opened my door for me.

I wrapped my arm around his and we walked to the entrance. We walked in and got our picture taken. We walked near the back and watched the other students as they had fun and partied the night away. "That punch is so spiked," I said. Jasper nodded, "I can smell the mix of vodka and tequila from all the way over here," he chuckled. I saw Edward and Bella walk in and gave a small smile to Edward.

"Liking Bella a bit more now, are we?" Jasper smirked. "I don't know. Still not my favorite person, but I don't think I despise her anymore," I said. "Good. Look at how happy Edward is."

I looked at Edward and saw that he was indeed very happy. Alice and Max were dancing away in the middle of the dance floor, Rose and Emmett next to them. Jasper grabbed my hand and lead me towards the dance floor. I giggled as he spun me around and around. If I was human I'd be very dizzy and probably ready to pass out. Being a vampire definitely had its perks.

We danced all night with our siblings. It was an amazing night. I've been to my fair share of proms and I've got to admit, this was the best one so far.

Eric, the DJ and one of Bella's friends, started a slow song and everybody slowed down. I wrapped my arms around Jasper's neck and he pulled me in close. I layed my head against his chest and we swayed along to the music, calm as could be.

I've definitely had a fucked up and weird life, but being here in the arms of the love of my life, with my family around us, I couldn't be any happier. If I ever met Joeseph and Mary, I might just thank them.

Old Fashioned *Jasper Hale* (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now