Chapter Four

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Talia's POV
Forks, Washington 2005

I got ready for school, pulling a dark gray sweatshirt over my head and matching it with black skinny jeans. I put a light gray beanie on my head and pulled on my converse.

 I put a light gray beanie on my head and pulled on my converse

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Apparently, there was going to be a new girl today. The police chief's daughter, to be exact. I think her name was Becky, or something like that.

"Her name is Bella. Not Becky," Alice said, joining me on the couch. "How'd you know I didn't remember her name?" I asked raising an eyebrow. "Edward's mumbling about how you never remember anybody's name," she shrugged. I nodded. Edward is a bit of a douche sometimes. "I am not," he said walking past me. "Ya'know Eddy, you being able to read my thoughts is pretty annoying," I said. "Tell me about it," he mumbled.

Max and Emmett came inside laughing like maniacs, covered in dirt and leaves. "What did you do?!" Alice screeched running over to Max and trying to brush the dirt off of him. "Oops," he said still laughing. "Ugh, go upstairs and change," Alice said. He sighed, "Yes boss," he said going towards the stairs. "You too, Emmett," Rose said walking out of the kitchen. He rolled his eyes, a smile still on his face. "Come give me a hug, babe," he said walking towards Rosalie. "Emmett, I swear to God, if you get my clothes dirty, I'm going to have Talia decapitate you," Rose yelled.

"Damn, everybody's loud this morning," I mumbled. Loud noises annoy me a lot.

"Pretty ladies shouldn't swear," Jasper said grabbing my hand and pulling me off the couch. "Well fuck, I guess I'm not too pretty then," I said. "You're right, you're absolutely gorgeous, " he smiled pecking my lips. He played with the ring, hanging off a chain around my neck. Carlisle had suggested that I not wear my wedding ring, for it would most likely draw attention. Ya'know because I'm technically 16 with a wedding ring. So instead I put it on a necklace and wear it around my neck.

"Alright, let's go," Max said. He picked up his car keys and ran out the door, Emmett right behind him. The rest of us followed, spliting up into separate cars. Max, Alice, me, and Jasper in Max's car. Rosalie and Emmett in the jeep, and Edward was in his own car.

Once we arrived at Forks high school, Max parked the car in his spot and shut the engine off. We all got out and I immediately felt the stares of everyone.

"God, I wish they would stop staring. We've been here for two damn years," I said. "Let them stare," Rose shrugged. I put my face in Jasper's shoulder, trying to block the scent of everyone's blood. I'm still struggling quite a bit with the whole animal diet thing. I mean, I haven't killed a person in about twenty years, but it still tempts me. It tempts me a lot actually, but I don't act on it. I don't want to put the family in danger.

An old, orange truck pulled into the parking lot and parked across the lot. A girl climbed out, she looked around 17-ish and lost. "There's the new girl," Max said. She walked towards the school, not really looking at anybody. "I don't like her," I said. "Why?" Alice frowned.

I shrugged, "I don't know. She just gives me a bad vibe, " I said. "A vibe? You get "vibes" now?" Emmett asked. "Yes Emmett. I get vibes now. Is there a problem," I asked giving him a challenging look. He smirked, "Yeah, there is a problem. What are you gonna about it, shorty?" Emmett asked. "Oh I'll show you what I'm gonna do about it. Jasper, beat him up," I said.

They all laughed, Emmett being the loudest like normal, drawing the attention of the whole parking lot. Rose smacked him, "Quiet down," she scolded. "Sorry babe," he apologized.


I walked out of biology with Alice as we made our way towards our lockers so we could go pretend to eat lunch. When we got there, the rest of the family was waiting for us. I opened my locker and dropped my books inside. Jasper shut my locker for me and grabbed my hand. "Well let's go then," Max said leading us away.

Rose and Emmett walked in first, we could hear Jessica Stanley telling the new girl all about us. I hate her, I really do. She's just too annoying.

"The blonde girl, Rosalie, she's with that big guy, Emmett. I'm not even sure if that's legal," she said. "They're not actually related Jess," her friend Angela said. Angela wasn't that bad, I liked her more than Jessica at least.

Alice and Max were next. "Okay, the little pixie-like girl, that's Alice. She's with the tall skinny one. His name is Max. Then the next two, the youngest girl, her name is Talia. She's with that guy, Jasper. The one that looks like he's in constant pain. It's kinda weird, they're always really touchy with one another," Jessica said. Bitch. I thought. Jasper took my hand and twirled me around in front of him as we walked. Alice basically danced around in front of us, completely ignoring Jessica.

"Who's that?" The new girl asked as we sat down. Edward came walking in, he glanced over at the new girl, a look of confusion across his face. "Oh, that's Edward Cullen. He's totally gorgeous, but apparently nobody here is good enough for him. Like I care," Jessica said.

"She cares so much, it's funny," I said. Emmett chuckled as Edward sat down with us. "I can't read her mind," he said glancing back at the girl. Alice smiled, "It'll work out, Edward," she said vaguely. "What will work out?" I asked. Alice said nothing, only smiled.

"But seriously though, don't waste your time," Jessica said. "I wasn't planning on it," Bella responded eating her lunch.

"Oh, you know she is though," Max said. Emmett nodded in agreement. "This is going to be a disaster, isn't it?" I asked laying my head on Jasper's shoulder. "Most likely," Rosalie answered. I groaned and sat through the rest of lunch, without moving.

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