chapter eight

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Talia's POV

I stood next to Edward, Alice, and Jasper as we watched Max argue with Rosalie about who Emmett likes more. "No! I'm his best friend, meaning he loves me more!" Max said. "Oh my God, Max. I'm his mate!" Rose argued. "Now, now, ladies. No need to fight. I love you both," Emmett said with a smirk. Rose rolled her eyes at them, walking to stand next to us.

Edward looked across the school parking lot at Bella. We were waiting for the buses so we could go on a field trip for Biology. Mr. Molina was collecting permission slips, and telling everyone to stop running around.

Finally, we were able to get on the buses and we went straight to the back of the bus. I sat with Jasper, obviously, and Alice and Max sat in the seat across from us.

We reached our destination and everyone filed off of the buses. Jasper held my hand as we started towards the group of children who were gathered around Mr. Molina and the guide, waiting for them to tell us what to do.


We were walking through the greenhouse. Edward was walking behind me and Jasper, Alice and Max were in front of us. Alice was turned around, walking backwards, talking to me about how she wanted to go shopping in Seattle this weekend.

"So we could leave Saturday morning, and get there by about 10:00. Then we could probably even get a hotel room and stay the night, then go home Sunday night. What do you think Tali?" She asked. I shrugged, "That sounds okay. Is Rosalie coming with us?" I asked. Alice nodded. "Okay, sure, " I said.

"Yay! We're going to have so much fun!" She cheered. Her and Max walked off cause Alice saw a pretty flower. "You're really going to stay in Seattle for two days?" Jasper asked me. "Yeah. Why? You gonna miss me, Jazz?" I teased. He smiled, stopping us. Edward walked around us, towards Bella who was near the front.

"Of course I'm going to miss you. That's like 3 hours away," he grinned. I laughed, "You're really clingy, you know that?" I asked. "You love it," he said as we caught up with the rest of the students. I nodded my head, "I really do," I told him. He smiled and kissed the top of my head, putting his arm around my waist.

We walked by Edward, it looked like he was arguing with Bella. I ignored them and Jasper and I walked passed them and outside. We met up with the others and waited for the buses. Edward walked out with Bella behind him, they seemed to still be arguing about something.

"They sound like an old married couple," Max laughed. "Edward is old," I pointed out. "You're older," Max said. "And youre older than me, so I don't really know where you were going with this," I said turning to him. He opened his mouth to defend himself, but instead closed it and pouted. "You're so mean to him," Jasper chuckled. I shrugged, "He's my brother. I'm allowed to be mean to him," I said.

Alice walked over towards Edward and Bella, with Jasper, Max, and I following her. "Hi," she said, "Will you be riding with us?" Alice asked. Bella glanced over the rest of us, but looked away as she saw my glare. "Our bus is full," Edward said. He banged his fist against the doors, and the driver opened them.

Bella awkwardly smiled and walked towards the other bus. We got on our bus, taking our seats in the back and waiting for the bus to drop us back off at school.

When we got there, I walked towards our cars so we could leave. The rest of the family followed me and we got in the cars. I saw Bella watching us go and I sighed.

"Edward is going to majorly fuck up our lives, isn't he?" I asked. "Most likely," Max said. "No he isn't. Everything will work out fine," Alice said. "What if she finds out about us? What do we do then?" I asked. Alice shrugged, "When the time comes, we'll figure it out," she said. I rolled my eyes, "Alice, that's not very helpful hun," I said.

"Oh well," she shrugged. When we got home, I went inside and sat down on the couch next to Esme. "Hello Talia. How was your day?" She asked. "It was fine. Field trip was boring and Edward is torturing the human," I said. She smiled and Alice walked in, with Jasper right behind her.

"Where are the other three?" Esme asked. Jasper sat down beside me, putting his arm around my shoulders. "Max and Emmett are wrestling outside, so Rosalie is making sure they don't accidentally break the house again," Alice said. Esme laughed and nodded.

"I'm watching the Titanic," I announced. I stood up to put the movie in as Jasper and Alice groaned. "Emmett! Im watching the Titanic whether you're in here or not, so let's go!" I yelled outside. I know he could hear me, but just to make sure. Next thing I know Emmett is inside and sitting on the floor by the couch.

"Come on! Put it in already!" He said. I put the movie in and sat back down with Jasper. Esme got up and went to kitchen to do whatever. "Haven't you guys seen this movie enough?" Alice asked. Emmett and I gasped and looked at Alice horrified. "You can never, and I mean never ever, watch the Titanic too many times," I scolded. She put her hands up in surrender and stayed quiet. Max and Rose walked in, Max looked annoyed.

"What the hell dude? What are you doing in here?" He asked. "Shhhh!" Me and Emmett said together. He looked at the tv and rolled his eyes. "You quit so you could watch the Titanic with my sister? Seriously?" Max asked.

"It's better to shut up now, then face their wrath, " Jasper said. Max huffed and sat beside Alice on the couch. Rosalie went to the kitchen to help Esme with whatever she was doing.

I watched as Jack ran to the boat, with his friend. "Young Leo DiCaprio is really attractive," I stated. "I second that!" Rosalie hollered from the kitchen. "Wow, thanks babe," Emmett said sarcastically.

I looked up at Jasper, "You're more attractive though," I smiled. "Good," he smirked, kissing my head. We all watched the rest of the movie together, me and Emmett shh-ing anyone who tried talking.

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