chapter fourteen

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Talia's POV

I was in the garage with the rest of the family. I was looking in the cabinets, desperately trying to find my car keys. Edward walked in with Bella, holding a bag on his shoulder. Emmett, Max, and Alice followed behind them.

"We need to get Bella away from Forks, now," Carlisle said. "Max and I will drive her south, we won't stop," Alice responded. "What? No-" "Rosalie, Talia put on some of Bella's clothes so we can lead the tracker away," Esme instructed. "Why should I? What is she to me?" Rose asked.  Everybody stopped and turned to look at Rose. "Bella is with Edward now, that makes her family. And we protect our family," Carlisle stated. Rose rolled her eyes and grabbed the jacket that Esme had thrown to us.

"Jasper and I will lead," Edward stated, gently pushing Bella towards Alice's car. "Edward, you can't be serious. If one of you gets hurt because of me..." Bella said from the car window. "No one's going to get hurt," I told her, "Go Alice." Alice nodded and started the car, Max in the passenger seat. "I will do anything to keep you safe," Edward said before the car sped out of the garage.

I put on Bella's shirt and sighed. "Let's get going," I stated running out. Edward ran in front of me, Jasper beside him. Carlisle was slightly behind Edward. Esme was next to me and Emmett and Rosalie were in the back. Esme started towards Bella's house to keep an eye on Charlie.

Rose stopped against trees and things, rubbing the jacket against the tree. I did the same thing, rubbing up and down against it. We ran for a long time before Edward suddenly stopped, the rest of us following suit. "He figured it out."


"Talia, where's Edward?" Max asked from the other end of the phone. "Don't ask me! He told us that the tracker figured it out and took off!" "He's going to Phoenix. A ballet studio," Alice said from the background. Max gave me the address and I hung up. Carlisle nodded and the rest of us took off, except for Rose who went to help out Esme.

It took us a bit to get to Phoenix, but we never stopped. Once we reached the ballet studio, Edward was already there. We heard the screaming from outside and got in as fast as we could. We ended up jumping through a broken window, probably from Edward's entrance.

When we got inside, Edward was trying to fight off James and not doing the best job. Bella was lying on the floor screaming, blood pooling around her legs. I held my breath and focused on murdering James in the most horrible way possible.

Alice went to Bella, kneeling down by Edward. Emmett grabbed ahlod of James, throwing him to the ground. Max jumped at him when he got back up, throwing him in Jasper's direction. Carlisle raced to Bella, sending Alice over to us. Emmett and Jasper each grabbed one of James's arms, Max and Alice grabbing his legs and pulling. I stepped on his chest as they pulled, filling the air with a sound like breaking glass. His limbs came off and and were tossed into the fire that Max and Jasper started. Alice stood over his chest, and put her hands on his head, popping it off his shoulders and throwing it into the fire as well.

Once we were done with James, the smell of Bella's pool of blood finally hit me. My eyes turned black and I struggled to hold myself back. Max wrapped and arm around my waist as I prepared to lunge towards Bella. He pulled me outside, Jasper quick behind us.

"Tali, you and Jasper should get out of here. Head home, we'll be back soon." I nodded and Jasper grabbed my hand.


When we returned home, Esme and Rose were already back at the house. "Is everything all right?" Esme asked. "James is dead," Jasper told them. "And Bella?" "I believe she's going to the hospital. There was a lot of blood, that's why we came home." Esme nodded in understanding. Jasper and I went upstairs to our room and stayed there for a long time.

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