Oh It's Saturday night

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Looking in the mirror I count to five. My anxiety rising as I smooth my hair into place and apply my mascara. Looking myself in the eyes, I take a deep breathe and head towards the living room of my apartment. Grabbing my bag I look around the room. Checking in my head that I have everything.

Id card, ticket, all access pass lanyard, and my meet,greet pass. And obviously my phone. I grab my car keys and head for the door.

I drive towards the greatest day of my life. Today was the day of the reading and Leeds festival. Today was the day I'd get to meet so many people I have admired my whole life. Keep calm, I think to myself as I turn into the car park. It's hard to believe this was happening. I can feel my heart racing, pounding a beat against my rib cage.

I head for the entrance. It's a mass of chaos shouting, a crowd of noise. It almost overwhelms me. Scanning my ticket, the ticket checker rips it and deposits it into the system and ties a gold band around my wrist. Looking around me I see blue and green bands. And a few silver, but no gold. I have no time to ponder over it as I am pushed forward into the open field.

Looking around me at the endless stages and tents I pull up the map on my phone searching for the private tent. On everybody else's map that section isn't avaliable. But on mine it is specifically highlighted for me.

I make my way there. My heart beating so fast I thought it might fly out of my chest. Breathe sky. Breathe. I repeat to myself, easier said then done. A man scans my gold band, gestures with his head to go inside with a grunt. And I thought chivlery was dead. I mutter under my breath.

I head into the tent confronted by faces of people I had only seen from afar. Ok breathe sky breathe. Ok you can do this breathe. "Hi, kendrick lamar nice to meet you" I take his hand barely breathing. "Eee I um ha the sky. I mean sky I am. I mean um" off to a great start there skylar. Taking a deep breath I start again.

"I'm skylar nice to meet you too Mr.Lamar" I say shaking his hand. His turns my hand palm up and kisses the centre. "Please call me kendrick" I flick my eyes up to meet his. I have a bad feeling about this guy. I turn and stumble backwards. "Perhaps you could try walking forwards next time. Little flake". I knew that voice it couldn't be could it. A hand appears in front of me a shadow runs across my face as I am met with the face of brendon urie.

"Thank you" I say as I am pulled to my feet, I dust myself off and turn on my heel towards the rest of the tent. But then a figure blocks my path. I scowl and fold my arms. "Where you going little flake". He says laughing. "My names not little flake for the record urie. And second I'm going to meet other celebrities. We have a specific order to follow. So if you could move your ass out of the way it would be much appreciated." That just makes him laughs more and he turns, proceeds to shake his arse in my face. Sighing I step around him and head towards the back of the tent.

I scan the list. First up brendon urie. Great...

"Hey little flake" he says smirking. I roll my eyes "that's not my name, urie" his eyes twinkle mischievously. "Well you could tell me yours then but I prefer little flake" He twirls a straw in his mouth. "Can I ask why little flake?" He smiles. "Why because your precious and soft like a flake. You have beautiful complicated layers that are easy to break" I grit my teeth. "I didn't ask for a therapy session" I walk away towards the next person on the list. I hear shuffling behind me I freeze. "I swear to god if that's you urie I'm going to scream". I hear a chuckle then silence.

Up next. Sometimes I feel like my life is just my luck, the movie with lindsey lohan. Fucking kendrick lamar, awesome. "Hello again beautiful" he winks. I smile, take a picture with him and turn to leave for the next person on the list. He yanks me back holding me close. The stench of alcohol rolling off of him. Pushing against, I laugh. "It was a pleasure. Kendrick." His arm stays looped around my waist for a free minutes, I feel his breathe against my neck. Then he let's me go.

Up next... who was up next. I try to collect my thoughts grabbing a glass of whiskey, I down it quickly and shake myself mentally. Mike shinoda. I stop dead. My idol. Oh gosh breathe. What was breathing again? How did you do such a task?

"Hi I'm Mike and you are" He says with the biggest smile. "I,I, I. Um. I'm sky" Pulling me into a hug he signs a few of pictures, takes the art I made for him before putting his arm around me taking a photo of us. He smiles. "I'm a big fan. Mike have been since I was little. Linkin park is my favourite band. And you are my favourite member I love post traumatic. You were very brave to share it" He smiles sweetly. "Thank you sky that means a lot personally I wasn't trying to be brave it was just something I needed to do. You know?"

"I do. I write music myself and when my parents died it was the only thing that pulled me through. I didn't do it for people to hear. I did it so I could survive" Something unknown registers on his face at that moment. We talk for another few minutes he takes my phone again and dials in his number. "Stay in touch, I've enjoyed speaking with you. Nice to make friends out of the blue".

I nod shocked. Friend...

Walking away I move onto the next person. Sigrid. She smiles takes a picture with me talks for a moment before moving onto the next person. Before long I have met everyone on the list. I stand there mingling amongst the celebrities all shock of who they are long worn off.

"Hey little flake". I roll my eyes. Ignoring him. I begin talking to enzo one of Mike's friends and the head of lpu. "Where's your boyfriend gone?" Gritting my teeth "Kendick is not my boyfriend. And yes I'm aware what his name is. But he deserves that one". He laughs and whistles through his teeth. "Your a feisty one aren't you little flake?" Enzo looks between us before he walks away saying we can talk later. I smile and nod before turning my fury on brendon. "Urie why can't you seem to leave me alone? And also I've told you before" I poke him in the chest between each word. "That's. Not. My. Name!" He laughs putting his hands up in surrender. "In my defence you never told me your name". I click my tongue. He's right. You brought this one on yourself sky. "My names skylar. But I prefer sky" he shakes my hand mockingly. "Nice to meet you sky. I'm brendon urie" he laughs and walks to the bar.

Seriously that's all it took for him to leave me alone. If I'd have known that I would of done that ages ago. I think smiling to myself and head to the gold booth to watch the show.

First up pan!c at the disco. I love this band but why. That meant more urie in my face. Awesome...

"Good evening ladies. Gentleman except you dallon. Yep I'm talking about you. Keep your hands to yourself" The crowd laughs. That's when it happens buckets of eggs fly from the lights followed by pounds of black feathers with white paint on. Some kind of logo. F...O... fall out boy. I can't help it I uncontrollably laugh till I cry.

Brendon jumps off stage running into the tent. Wrapping me in a hug he pulls of his shirt before running into wardrobe. "Really urie? I'm going to cut your dick off and shove it up your ass" I growl at him. He mockes fake pain. "Words hurt little flake. Do you kiss your mother with that mouth". Angrily I snap back. "No I'm too busy fucking yours with it". His face goes blank. I'm in trouble. Awkward silence fills the air.

Then he just falls to the floor laughing. "Good one little flake. Your fast I'll give you that much." He winks and heads back on stage.

A/n I know kendrick lamar is not an asshole I'm actually a fan of his but used him as a character and wrote him the way he came out. In no way attacking him or anything. Also story feature lorenzo errico who heads lpu. And Mike shinoda a great artist and one of my idols.

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