Death of a bachelor

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They do not know how to behave at all. I try to intervene acting as a sort of referee between the 3 of them, unsuccessfully. I roll my eyes tucking myself into a corner on the sofa watching them cheat back and forth, like a bunch of kids. Sometimes i wonder if there actually as old as they claim to be at this moment in time I'm inching towards no. At least i think they're ten years younger than they claim to be in their heads it seems. Brendon winks at me as he shouts go fish sliding the card dallon is asking for under the deck before he can see causing brendon to win the game. I just laugh as they deal me in and the whole demented thing begins again. Brendon wraps one arm around my waist as he shuffles the cards with the other. I stiffen staring at him. He just smiles so I whisper in his ear "the guys". He whispers back "it's fine they already kinda guessed". I relax but laugh a little, of course they do I think to myself. "How? and what did they say?" He is focused on the game at this point so pays no attention to me. "We'll talk about this later".

Rolling my eyes I get back into the game "I win!" I shout around three minutes later, muttering amateurs under my breath as I head to the front of the bus, leaving them to play poker or something. I sit in one of the chairs humming to myself doodling on a notepad. A bunch of swirls with a phoenix in the middle with designs on the bones that make up it's wings. I begin shading, lost in my drawing I don't hear brendon enter the room sitting behind me. Watching me with great interest. I flip the page over still unawares that he is in the room and begin to sketch the image of him sleeping beside me last night. The soft lines of his face and the way his lips make a small pout and he looks like a sleeping angel. Sometimes I have to pinch myself to make sure I'm not dreaming. He places a kiss against my neck causing me to drop my notepad screaming. He covers my mouth laughing. "It's just me little flake breathe". I turn around laughing into his chest.

"What you drawing there little flake?". Blushing i mumble out a nonsensical answer he picks up my notepad. He says nothing and neither do I as he studies the drawing of himself. An expression passes across his face that I can't quite decipher.  Thoughts in his eyes I can't make out. "brendon?" I say quietly. He puts my note pad into my hand and walks away, into the studio shutting and locking the door behind him. What the hell? It's not that bad. The bus stops for an hour to change drivers for a while. While the other goes sleep for a while. "Two hours until we arrive". He says over the soundsystem. The other guys from the band suddenly spring to life rushing to their lockers to get ready. I go to the back of the bus knocking on the door I try to open it. Still locked. "Brendon? Hey open up the door. Brendon! Whatever were going to be there in two hours you know if you give a shit at this point". I walk away feeling less than wonderful pull his hoodie over my head and curl up in a ball at the end of the couch. Pull the hood over my head and sleeves over my hands tucking myself into my safety bubble and plug my headphones in and hit play. Linkin park lost in the echo, ha convenient. I lay back against the couch, close my eyes and get lost in the music. 

"Sky. Sky. Sky!". I moan as i am shook awake by brendon wide eyed, and looking like he discovered the cure to cancer or something. He shuffles in to lay beside me. "What you want". I say sleepily. His face falls, eyebrows knitted together. "If you say sorry. I'm going to punch you in the throat urie". His mouth closes quickly. Idiot. 

"I'm sorry". He blurts out quickly. I flick his nose playfully. "What'd i just say urie?". He kisses my nose then forehead and then my lips. "You got two minutes urie. That's it and that's just cause i'm too sleepy to fight you right now. And i like you. Don't get too excited only like a little". I hold my fingers up and make a tiny gap between them showing him how much i like him right now. He laughs and pokes my side. Kisses me and unfolds a piece of paper from his pocket. It's a drawing, my drawing of the phoenix. Wait... "How did you get this?". "I ripped it from your notepad when you were sleeping. I ran off earlier cause your drawing inspired me to write again. Your always doing that. Inspiring me. But also I saw everything in that drawing. All of your feelings for me, I wanted to show you how i felt for you so i booked an appointment later this week at a tattoo shop to get this on my chest over my heart. Cause that's how much you mean to me". 

"Also inspired me to get the divorce moving faster so when i fly back at the end of this month just have to sign the papers and I'm done." Ten days until that day. The day he would go home, I would lose him. I just start crying. "Hey don't cry. Why are you crying?". I unwrap myself from him and jump up run towards the front of the bus, plug my headphones in. We are here...

Where is here exactly? I look around for a sign. Some sort of studio from what i can tell. I walk in with the rest of the band brendon shouting my name the whole time I just ignore him.

 I walk in with the rest of the band brendon shouting my name the whole time I just ignore him

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A/N drawing by me🙈

I wrote songs from tragediesWhere stories live. Discover now