Watching the sky fall...

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"Sarah..." Turning around I pivote to face my worst nightmare. "What are you doing here?" My heart begins to pound in my chest filling the stunned silence created in the bubble between us. Like time has stopped or an old western a stand off that stood forever more. "I just wanted to talk". I could feel the anger rock through me like an earthquake shaking me my fist balling up. "That's what lawyers are for. I'll talk to you in two weeks. Get out of my face". She bounds forward pulling my arm dragging me back to her, holding my arms straight against my side hugging me tightly. "Sarah get off. Let go please it's over we tried okay I get it, it's hard it was for me too but now we have to move on move forward maybe one day we can be friends". She begins to cry I wrap my arms around her stroking her back soothingly looking up at me she smiles. She kisses me deeply.

"Urie?" I hear her voice tremble breaking on the last syllable. "Little flake" I push Sarah away chasing after her feeling my world shatter a bit.

Sky's POV
Mid break time as always I head understage to greet Brendon at the lift. Seeing him I smile and jog a bit to get to him who's that woman he's with must be one of the stage hands adjusting his microphone box. He's so sweet she looks like she's sad so he's hugging her. That makes my heart warm he always been the sweetest guy with the kindest heart.

I finally reach him and see her closer that isn't a stage hand it's Sarah his ex and he's kissing her. "Urie?" If I could hear the music now I can't all I hear is the loud slowing of my heart as it begins to collapse in on itself sinking to the deepest depths of my soul. Why do I feel like I can't breathe. My feet begin to move running so fast till all I see is blank and I'm free outside in the fresh cold crisp air. I still can't breathe. This has to be a nightmare right? I pinch myself gently closing my eyes the opening them over and over. I try one last time and feel arms wrap around me as I begin to sob falling to the ground.

"Get off, don't touch me!" His arms tighten as he wordlessly holds me refusing to let me go. "You l lied to me". The sobs burn through my chest making me gasp for air like a starved child. "I never lied" he says quietly pulling my face up to see my eyes. "Yes you did you said it was over you said you loved me". His face falls. "It is and I do".

"There you go again lying. You know what I've been through and you did this still I gave you everything. Was this just a sick and twisted game to you a fuck while you were on tour or to know what you really wanted. Spice the marriage up a bit. Hmm? You never loved me did you? You treat me like I'm stupid. I love you so much I can feel myself dying. Can you say the same? I doubt it go be with you wife. Hope you had fun on your little summer fling glad I could be of service" I get up my heart breaking even more I didn't mean any of that he begins to sob until he can't breathe clutching his chest on the floor.

"I l love you" he says over and over. I pull him to his feet kissing him gently, looking into his eyes one last time. "I love you too". I begin to walk away. "Always will" I whisper. "Stay" he says quietly. I get in the car he puts his hand against the window tears streaming down his face mine covers his. "Goodbye urie".

"Goodbye little flake"...

To be continued...

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