The ballad of mona lisa

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We eat making jokes, I twirl my straw in my glass giggling. "Your not funny urie" I say spitting my drink out. He flicks a fry at me laughing. "You laughing says otherwise". His phone starts ringing we have to be back on the bus. Over too soon...

He pays for the meal and we grab our bags. Dancing and joking on the way back to the bus. "I still think my dancing skills are way better than yours. You look your mum stuck your finger in a plug socket as a child" I say as we get back on the bus. Dallon hears this and begins poking fun at brendon with me. Before long we're all laughing and having a dance battle. Dallon leave us after a while prancing back to his private bunk at the end of the bus leaving us alone.

"Tell me about yourself urie" I ask him laying across a couch panting, tired from the dance battle. "What do you want to know?". He says also exhausted lay beside me his head next to mine with his feet and legs pointing in the opposite direction. "Anything. Tell me about your childhood?". I ask, he reaches across with his arm and intertwines his hand with mine.

"I was born and raised in utah which as many people know Mormon central. My family was really religious. I tried to be this good religious boy, but it always felt wrong to me. So when I was seventeen I left the faith. My family wasn't particularly impressed my mum basically said we have these rules in this house and if you can't follow them. Cause I'm not in the faith. I need to think about not living under that roof. And a couple of days ago I came out as pansexual which is also something I struggled with. It was part of my faith not to love that way or you know someone of the same sex that way. That was always a big issues with me you know? That God is said to have made us in his own image and love us the way we are. Yet you love a man If your a man and you are condemned. And then god allows god people to die. It just things never sat right with me so I couldn't.  I couldn't believe in something like that. Someone who supposedly gave us free will but then wouldn't allow us to be free". I look at him mesmerised.

"Tell me about how you write songs". I say playing with his fingers absent mindly. "Ha! My process is quite strange I remember for King of the clouds I had someone round to help me write and I just threw words at him like Carl sagan and time and dimensions and a bunch of random stuff and he came up with that. Or sometimes I get high on weed helps me relax enough to think clearly don't judge me ok?". I smack his hand playfully. "Why would I judge you?". He gives me an odd look before continuing. "Or I have been known to walk around in my studio naked". I start laughing. "Ok tell me about fall out boy. Cause you guys seem to have a pretty strong prank rivalry going".

"I don't know how that started to be honest with you. But now it's just a back and forth thing. I remember once they were doing a show we came out along with Tyler and josh from twenty one pilots and they had like this performance going on this far bit of the stage with a pretend fire between the four of them. So we came and sat around it like it was a camp fire laughing and joking around. Swaying and clapping our hands like you would at camp. It was pretty funny. Or I remember this other time Tyler and josh were playing a show and me, the guys from fall out boy ran out on stage with like these black balloons with fall out boy written on them and started kicking them everywhere lame I know but it was so funny". "What's your favourite drink?"

"Beer or in winter. Or the like one month where it's actually cool in california. I drink brown liquid as I  call it. Jamesons whiskey or bourbon".
I laugh at his mention or brown liquid he just pokes my side waiting for the next question. "Cat or dog?". He smiles. "I love both but I'd have to say dog. I have two a jack russel and a french bulldog I think it is. What about you cat or dog?". I stroke my thumb up and down his thinking for a moment. "I love both. And had one of each but my dog died a couple months ago". He hugs me for a second then let's go and says. "I'm sorry".
"Thank you. It's ok though he was twelve he did well".

"Tell me about your vines." He laughs. "I was bored don't judge me". I giggle. "I don't judge you they were funny. What are your favourites?".

"I love doing hardcore thursdays just because it shocks a lot of people when I do the like four seconds of screamo. What's your favourites?".
"Mine would have to be the one where you come home and you talk to your dog's and your like. Daddy's feeling hot today. Daddy worked out. And they just look at you and your like yeah you don't care. And then you call them assholes. Or the one where you come home and just be like to your dog's. I thought you would have cleaned up. They just look at you. Then you go no, ok.  And then call them assholes". He looks at me. " do all the ones you like involve my dogs?". Shaking my head I continue. "No. I like the ones when your singing about coffee and then your going to take your morning poo. Or the one where your listening to Christian radio with a like what the hell look on your face. And then you apologise in another video but in a sarcastic way. And your like why don't you just forgive me. Which i found hilarious. Cause there supposed to be forgiving in that faith. It tickled me". He winks at me and we lay there talking for hours before we jump into the bunk exactly the way we were the night before.

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