People have told me I dont look the same

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Laying beside him I comb my fingers through his hair his face finally peaceful sleeping like an angel. He'd been crying for hours and screaming down the phone at record executives, for a little while dallon. They came to agreement to do one last tour then the band was done. Six weeks of touring then he'd lose it all as he put it he was fragile innocent when he slept his face a picture of innocence and childlike wonder.

I didn't want to wake him but the phone has been ringing off the hook for an hour straight now. "Brendon. Urie baby wake up". He blinked confused for a moment then his face crashed the illusion of sleep shattered in an instant. "Pete keeps phoning you he said it's urgent about the tour" Pete wentz was Brendon's close friend and worked at his label he was the reason there was going to be a tour. "He can fuck off they all can". Rolling my eyes I picked up the phone. "Hey Pete. Yeah he's here he said and I quote you can fuck off". He grabs the phone out of my hand growling and heads into the next room.

He appears a few minutes later looking drained. "We need to pack we leave for tour tomorrow". His hand wipes over his face pulling a pained expression. "Hell here we come" He whispers.

We pulled up at fueled by ramen to a large bus. Blushing I step on to it. He smiles mischief sparkling in his eyes. "Hmm I remember that bunk" he winks stowing his stuff in the locker beside it. "Screw you urie" sticking my tongue out he grabs me and attacks it with his own his mouth engulfing mine in a passionate kiss.

I wrote songs from tragediesWhere stories live. Discover now