Emperors new clothes

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I just stare at him for an eternity. Until I finally remember to breathe. So simple to just say yes the answer dancing on my tongue. It's so easy the answer three letters long. His face began to fall. "I'm sorry brendon" he stops me before I can finish. "It's little flake don't worry about it. Was a stupid idea anyway". He rips himself away from me heading for the door. Bounding to my feet I grip his arm and spin him around. "You didn't let me finish. I'm sorry brendon but I can't say no to you so your stuck with me I'm afraid". He picks me up a big grin on his face spinning me around he kisses my face all over,while I just giggle all the while.

"Brendon put me down you crazy son of a bitch". He gives me a serious look but he's trying so hard to not to smile.  "My mother is not a bitch she is a very nice lady. And you will find that out when you meet her in two months".
"What do you mean meet her? In 2 months are you serious? What if she doesn't like me. Will she even be ok with you divorcing your wife and getting with me whilst you still married? I'm not religious what if she doesn't accept me?". A million questions come spilling from my mouth before he covers it with his own. "Breathe. My mother already knows about my divorce in fact she's been helping me through the whole process.  And she kinda already know about you and really wants to meet you."

"Wait what?". He kisses me "love you bye" and runs back to the studio. Pain in the ass. I run after him playfully smacking his behind and sit on the couch to do some doodling while they record. I find myself writing songs before long inspired by the chaos of music making.

I been feeling kinda hazy been feeling kinda lazy lately but you dont know my mind you don't what's going round. Oh gotta stop thoughts I'm thinking thoughts oh gotta stop these thoughts I been feeling kinda down gotta walk that talk I preach to the crowd I been feeling kinda hazy

Gotta walk back to the get back the place where left myself. Way back when, when the little girl died. When a little piece of me died. In these walls and these halls are walking ghosts. Of things I just wanna let go.

I don't who I am in these walls that I've built. In the walls I scream out I hate myself I'm breaking down crumbling under the weight of cloud. The dark one that follows me around.

I've been feeling kinda lost lately that no matter what the cost. I'm still going to lose myself. That there's nothing else. I'm all alone in myself.

Brendon hovers over me. He scowls and rips the page out, scrunches it up into a ball and shoots for the bin. I stick my tongue out at him he pinches it between his teeth teasingly. And the proceeds to kiss me till I'm breathless and then dallon clears his throat giggling. I kiss him one more time and start writing again.

I can't dance to some beat for some stereo in the distance. I need the beat of your heart to move my feet and make me weak...

I scribble it out frustrated. I can't focus. His head rests against my shoulder as he asks "what's wrong?". I smile. "Nothings wrong just writers block". Laughing he kisses my cheek. "I know that problem all too well.". Bounds to his feet and runs into the recording booth dragging me along behind him. "What are you doing". He then runs out locking the door leaving me in there alone.

"Brendon what the hell are you doing let me out of here." My anxiety rises, I can't breathe, is it just me or are the walls closing in. On the verge of tears I manage to whisper "Please let me out please. This isn't funny. Please...". His voice echoes around the room. "The only way to push through the block is to put yourself into uncomfortable situations it requires you to think in order to let's say gain your freedom". I wipe a tear away. He has a point but still this was one of my worst fears being locked in and he knows that.

"So sing". I take a deep breath.

"Sometimes I feel stuck like a bird in a cage. A locked in sensibility, I grip those bars and call out. Let me out. The fight is in inside yourself the voice calls back.

Then the room transforms the walls reform I'm not alone there's me the broke me in the corner I tell her to breathe. Inside myself I can hardly see the way out the call out, all the fall out the walls are caving in now.

Hunger of the desperation the fight for the light. How am I supposed to stand on this hollow ground this fragile foundation and get out?

Sometimes I feel stuck like a bird in a cage. A locked in sensibility, I grip those bars and call out. Let me out. The fight is in inside yourself the voice calls back.

I crawl across the broken, tears stream down the crumpled paper beneath my feet are scars to deep to read. I can see it i can taste it my wings I'm no longer a flightless bird.

Sometimes I feel stuck like a bird in a cage. A locked in sensibility, I grip those bars and call out. Let me out. The fight is in inside yourself the voice calls back.

I'm outta the cage I'm breaking out. A freedom sensibility somehow I grip the bars and break out. I'm free now. The fight is inside myself my voice screams now."

Dallon's voice calls out "That was great can you run it again from the beginning and just change the pitch on the first verse lower and higher for the chorus. And then extend the note for the final verse." The intercom clicks and the melody begins again.

A/N the part about being locked in a room with no way out is inspired by actual events where when I was around 5 my father locked me in my bedroom in the pitch black dark. Knowing I was afraid of said dark and held the door shut and wouldn't let me out. So yeh sorry for the sad story. And sorry for not updating for a while been a difficult week or so.

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