Heart on my chest

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Brendon's pov

"Ladies and gentlemen I'm Brendon urie. I know some of you are aware of tonight is but I don't want any sad faces this is our last show so let's make it a good one okay?". I smile out at the crowd. "Let's give it up for dallon girls and boys" the deafening roar of the audience sends vibrations across the venue and through my feet. "And the rest of the band panic at the disco". The roar begins to swell building like a symphony. "Last of all I wanna hear some love for you guys out in the crowd for sticking with us all these years" Standing the crowd whoops and screams.

"We are panic at the disco! Mona ahh" I hum the last part teasing the crowd as the beat begins to pulse around the room. "Please to meet ya" the beat pounds slowed down as the lights dance erratically around the room. They turn from white to yellowish clicking on and off with the drums pounded by our drummer. We speed through the set list coming to midway break. Dropping from the stage via a small hidden lift I sink down running to change taking my tee off combing my hair necking some water. "Brendon" a small voice says from behind. No, please no don't let it be real. That voice the one that had haunted me for so long the voice I had fought to get away from. The voice of the one person I never wanted to see again.


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