As a kid I didn't really know what I wanted to be when I grew up. But I always knew how I wanted my wedding day to be like. It was every little girl's dream to walk down the aisle.
I want my wedding being held at a flower garden so that everyone can experience the beauty and pleasure that made me so obsessed with every petals. It's like the concept of marriage-like style in the garden. Every corner of my wedding day I want all decorated with beautiful flowers. Later on the dais that I want will be decorated with a mix of fresh flowers. I want to use colors that stand out like pink, cream and blue or turquoise. After that I will add more to the furry carpet decoration. Like a fluffy carpet and white. Parts of the table, I'll provide a table for the important people in my life, like family and friends. Crazy but I want it to be all about flowers.
Then of course, my wedding dress. I can still remember how I walked across the room wearing my white tutu matching it with mom's sexy shoes. I used to imagine that I'm walking my way to my wedding day and those were the giggling moments of my childhood.
"You really sure about this, honey?" Dad's voice woke me up from trance.
Just how I dreamed about it, I was in dad's arm. I looked around and see how my dream wedding came to life. All the flowers, decorations and even the artificial green grass covered by fluffy carpet just to achieve a garden wedding up into the terrace, closer to the stars. It's as perfect as I imagined it to be. Only that, I never thought I'd be walking down the aisle as thrice as heavy. I smiled at dad. "Have never been this sure in my life."
He shrugged and lead me into walking, every step takes me closer to the open gates of forever. My eyes were focused to the one standing on the other end, still looking astounded.
Oxygen is far from the man of my dreams. As a little girl I used to imagine marrying someone who will never argue with me, who will keep me warm regardless if he's feeling cold, who will tell me how much he loves me every time, who will kiss me tenderly, who will never make me angry or mad. But I wasn't a little girl anymore and my idea of love was so selfish then. What I have found for myself is the one who wrestles with me and let me win, the one who puts my cold hands in his warm hoodie pockets, the one who says I love you and means it, the one who kisses me in rain and sunshine of life, the one who understands that when I'm mad I say things but don't always mean them. And that's all it to me. It was Oxygen for me.
"You deserve love, now you're getting it."
"Dad, I'm happy." I whispered back.
"I know, I can see it through your eyes. You have no idea how hard it is for a father to let go of her princess because she already found herself a prince, but if this will make you happy then I'm all for it." He squeezed my hand rested on his arm. "I love you, Gabby. More than you'll ever know."
"I love you, too. But dad, trust that man. He will love me for the rest of our lives." My happy tears blocked my view, only a few steps I'll be in his arms and that will be the start of our eternity.
Before that, I looked around and see faces of people smiling at me and have made this night possible and perfect. Last week, I have told Romee and Titanium how much I wanna give back all the love Oxygen has given me. I have countless of ideas in my mind on how to surprise him but none of those seems unique. Then days ago, Romee told me about Oxygen's plan of surprising me for a decent proposal that he'd planned with Zander and all the other boys. That was their secret but since Zander swore to his girlfriend to never keep a secret ever again, it wasn't at all a secret to Romee and her idea is the 'unique' that I was looking for.
It was almost impossible for us to put up a wedding ceremony in short notice but I'm starting to think that girls in their clan have superpowers. With limited guests, it was as intimate as I ever wanted it to be.

Obnoxious Oxygen
RomanceGabbana; the spoiled, self-centered, self-indulgent little brat. She who knows little about living, have bought so much in life. And when she thought she's the queen of the world who could have everything in a snap of a finger, there comes Oxygen...