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and that's how i found myself
crying in the corner of the field.
two of my friends catch me about to break, and sit with me.

my back faces those two.

i can't look anywhere near them
it makes me feel sick.


i don't say anything

no matter how much they try to get something out of me
i simply stare past them

because i don't cry in public
i haven't cried since i left primary school and social anxiety kicked in
and i don't want any of the boys to see me cry.

the bell rings

he doesn't wait for us
neither does she.

i can't look at her in registration
even though she sits directly across from me
and she's meant to be my best friend

i just can't look at her.

people try to talk to me in science, but i ignore it

he tries to talk to me
and i'm acting again

it's a fake smile
a fake laugh
and as hard as i'm trying
they still sound off
and wrong
and i'm worried he can tell

i just hope he can't see how bloodshot my eyes are.

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