30. All Is Not Well (poem)

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Once again you've wasted a day
When you've had ample chances to say
Let me do this, or, why don't I do that?
Is there any chance that you may?
Who am I kidding? You're a lazy twat.

Where were you when I needed you? You hiss
I was tired and spent from raising your kid
From working all the extra shifts
(That you said I didn't need to do)
Well yes I fucking did.

When was the last time you stopped to consider
The damage you do when you're angry and bitter
When you say you'll leave me 'cos I've made you feel shittier
When you overdose for attention
Well aren't you the spineless quitter?

When I needed you the most because my energy was gone
Your deficit was worse and much more strong
Then you paid no heed
When I feel asleep
Through the day because I was awake for so, so long.

I pick up the slack when you're depressed
When you do nothing, I do the rest
I do both jobs when you're not at your best
Yet I need you once and I'm an emotional pest?
Fuck off, idiot, you've never addressed
Why you're a lazy, selfish mess.

I'm trying to keep my shit together
Because yours is all over the floor, bundled together
You literally live with blinkers and tethers
And you have zero idea of my unspoken endeavours.

You've never read my stories and I realise you never will
You're killing my soul and making me ill
You're the thing that's racked up the most bills
You're the one who makes mountains from molehills
And yet, after all these years, you fail to see it still.

There's a song on the radio which is quite new
And it goes, "When I'm not feeling strong I need you,"
And I realise that I'm alone, too,
That when I need you the most you disappoint me
It's true.

I know you try to manipulate me
To believe the shit you spout daily
But I can see how you treat this family
And we get your rubbish, or maybe that's just with me?
I know you'd never harm us
But you don't look after us properly.

I'm turning bitter and angry and sad
Even though you play the part of a happy Dad
You clearly don't care enough to be well
And seek address for your mental hell
It's tearing us apart
All is not well.

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