41. After I Do (Poem)

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Marriage isn't about finding a happy ever after
Nor is it a feeling of joy replete

It is treading the fine line between love and hate
And choosing to stay on the side of love

The cloying bond of intimacy can be a burden
No escape from the closeness of another

But in those ecstatic moments the feelings burst
Your body craves the pleasure of another

Bitterness lives parallel to forgiveness
Each success wars with every failure

But you find your personality has changed
In ways you could never have imagined

There's comfort in familiarity but it's not enough
Pushing each other to try harder can unite or divide

It's not about giving 50/50, it's giving 100/100
Anything less destroys the equilibrium

It's about looking out for each other more than yourself
And trusting they will do the same

It's about loving someone so deeply
You don't even realise that's what it is

Marriage is the hardest thing in life
It's so hard to be with someone perpetually

Yet you realise there's no one else who could help in this journey
Nobody else who knows you when you're lost

Marriage is choosing love when all else fails
When the very walls are being broken from within

It's accepting you aren't the same people you once were
Human nature is to change, and to remain unaltered is death

My husband is part of me and I chose that life
Because I have become greater for it

I choose to put myself second, because he will put me first
That way we'll always be foremost

Marriage is a hard journey full of wrong turns
And we won't always get it right

The point is we have to learn from these mistakes together
To keep us all alive

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