1. i have a plan

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( third person's pov )
As the young girl's curtains were yanked open by an angry mother, gentle light filtered into the room, causing her to slowly wake up and groan. ( y/n ) sat up slowly, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes only to be met by her mother, who was practically fuming.

"( y/n )," her mother spat, clearly trying to restrain the anger in her voice, "Why didn't you finish your chores last night? You had one job."

( y/n ) was taken aback by her mom's angry attitude. Still not too fazed, she simply shrugged softly. "What are you talking about?" The girl stifled a yawn. "I did all of my chores."

Her mother clenched her jaw and inhaled sharply, causing ( y/n ) to look up quickly.
"Well clearly, you didn't. When I woke up this morning, the living room was trashed."

( y/n ) was genuinely confused. She had done all of her chores and gotten the house spotless before she went to bed. She attempted to defend herself, only for her mom to interrupt her.

"( y/n ), I don't care if it was immaculate before you went to bed. What I care about is if it's clean when I wake up. What are you, stupid or something? I thought I raised you to know how to clean a house, for Christ's sake."

( y/n ), taking her mother's harsh words to heart, started to tear up. "Mom, I did do all of my chores, I don't know what hap-"

The girl's words stopped short as soon as her mom pulled back her hand and slapped ( y/n ) across the face. Hard. ( y/n )'s tears spilled over her soft cheeks, holding her hand up to the place she had been slapped.

( y/n )'s mother got up silently, stopping at the door. Turning back, she hissed out a warning.

"Don't ever talk back to me ever again."

- time skip to school ( sorry im a lazy author mwaha ) -

( y/n's pov )
I walked into school quickly, getting into homeroom right as the bell rang. Ms. Collins, my home room teacher, shot me a quick half-hearted glare before I took my seat next to Liam.

Liam had been my best friend since grade school, and we've grown really close over the years. I was even the first person he ever came out to, which I still hold with a small sense of pride.

Liam turned to me and smiled, snapping me out of my thoughts. His cheeks a bit flushed, and he had that strange lovestruck smile on his face again.
"Hey, ( y/n )." He stopped talking and glanced over my flushed face, stopping at the light bruise that I had attempted to cover with makeup. "You look a bit flustered, is.. is something wrong?"

I smiled a nervous smile and chuckled quietly. He knew what I was going to say.
"No, I'm okay, Li. Mom just got ahold of my this morning and it didn't end too well.."

Liam sighed and shook his head slowly. "( y/n ), when are you going to find a new place to live? I can't stand to hear that you're still living with your mom and letting her abuse you."

"Li. It's harder than you think it is," I rub my face exaggeratedly, inhaling sharply as I pass over the bruise. "Not to mention the fact that my mom would literally kill me if I even attempted to leave her evil wrath."

Liam chuckles quietly and suddenly gets an idea. "Why don't you just live with me? I have two beds in my room and my own bathroom. Plus, my mom and dad really like you! I'm sure she'd let you stay if you explained the situation you're in."

I thought about this for a second. His parents are really nice, plus Liam is already like a brother to me.. Hm..

"Um.. I mean, if it's okay with your parents, Li. That's really sweet of you to offer. Thanks," I say with a small smile. Liam grins at me, and soon after the class has officially started. Cue the most boring and anticlimactic school day in the history of existence.

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