3. stop arguing!

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( masky's pov )
Sally stared at us with her puppy dog eyes, and I just had to look away. How could we explain to her that her 'new friend' was just about to be our fresh kill?

( y/n ) wasn't crying anymore, but I could tell that she was still extremely afraid. Even after Hoodie and I let her go.

Sally bounced up to ( y/n ) and held her hand out for her to shake it.
"Hi, I'm Sally! You're pretty. We can be best friends, right?"

( y/n ) slowly shook Sally's hand, glancing back at us as if she expected Hoodie and I to turn on her and kill her right there. No matter how much I wanted to, I couldn't bare do it in front of Sally's innocent eyes.

( y/n ) cleared her throat and forced a smile. In a false cheery tone, she replied.
"Of course! That's why they brought me here," she glared at both of us, regaining a bit of her confidence, "to be your friend!"

I cursed under my breath and Hoodie looked angry. Sally squealed and hugged ( y/n )'s waist.
"I can already tell that we're going to be best friends! Do you want to meet my other friends and have a tea party with me?"

I sighed. "Goddamnit, Sally."

( y/n ) nodded and let Sally pull her away in the direction of the mansion, giggling and talking loudly the whole time.

Hoodie walked over to me and rubbed the back of his neck.
"We shouldn't have done this so close to the mansion, should we?"

I sighed for what seemed like the hundredth time today.
"We really shouldn't have. I'm afraid for how Slender will react."

Hoodie nodded and we set off towards the mansion, listening to Sally joke around with ( y/n ).

( y/n's pov )
Sally pulled me to the mansion, cracking dumb jokes and telling me about all of her friends. I felt somewhat comfortable around her, seeing that she didn't want to harm me.

"And then there's Jeff! He has a weird smile and he gets angry a lot. But my favourite there is Toby! He always plays dress up with me and he lets me put him in dresses. But you know who's my very favorite? Splendy! He has a pretty polka dot suit and a funny smile."

I chuckled at the thought, which made Sally laugh, too. When we arrived at the mansion, my eyes nearly popped out of my head. The mansion was a giant Victorian style mansion with dark grey for the main colour and black trim. It didn't look very friendly to me.

Sally went ahead and opened the door, revealing the living room. The living room had a large TV and two couches, accompanied by a couple of boys(?) sitting on said couches.

Their heads turned back to us curiously before they all jumped up, noticing me standing there with my hand in Sally's. Sally waved and pulled me towards them as my heart raced uncontrollably.

"Hi Jeff! Hi BEN! Hi Toby! Hi Slendy!" she cheered, pushing me up towards them. I felt my stomach lurch as I looked over them, each one more scary than the other. At the moment, I was fighting the urge to bolt out of the door or pass out.

( slenderman's pov )
I studied the girl standing in front of us. She appeared to be human, and very afraid. I could tell that she was having trouble looking at us, so I looked back down to Sally.

"Who's your friend, Sally?"

She smiled and squeezed the stranger's hand. "Her name is ( y/n ) and she's my new best friend! Hoodie and Masky found her for me."

If I could've frowned, I would be doing that now. Sally must've interrupted them about to kill ( y/n ). How was I going to break it to Sally that ( y/n ) wasn't a new friend..?

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