11. new friends?

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( a/n: y'aLL I WOKE UP THIS MORNING TO 100 rEA DS!! thank you so much??? literally just yesterday it was on 48 reads and then i checked again and,,,, 102 reads???? thank you for reading my silly story like jesus guys thank you so much nskcjsk ❤️❤️)

( third person's pov )
At about 9:30am, there was a knock on the mansion door. LJ, being the first to get up every morning, answered the door quickly before the loud knocking woke anyone else up.

Standing outside was Helen Otis, otherwise known as the Bloody Painter, Kagekao, the Puppeteer, and Candypop. LJ's already large smile grew into a full on cheshire cat grin at the sight of his friends.

LJ let everyone in and told them all to sit in the living room while he got everyone up to say hi. LJ raced upstairs and woke up everyone by yelling at them through their doors.

He couldn't find ( y/n ) for a split second until he realized that she was probably just asleep in one of the boy's rooms.

Jeff was the first to run downstairs and greet their guests. Slender followed suit with Toby, and Masky and Hoody trailed close behind.
Sally and ( y/n ) were behind the boys, looking a bit nervous.

( y/n's pov )
I walked down the stairs with Sally anxiously, still groggy from sleep. LJ had woken everyone up and mentioned that there were other pastas here to visit for a while.

This idea made me a bit nervous.. Mostly because I wasn't sure how they would look or react to a human girl staying with their friends. When I reached the bottom steps, Sally screeched and ran towards a pastel coloured jester. He reacted by scooping Sals up and spinning her around joyfully, which I decided to take as a good sign.

As I approached, I noticed the three other boys visiting. One of them was mainly grey and had glowing eyes and mouth; another one was mainly black and white with a half-and-half mask that frowned on one side; and another was a regular looking guy with black hair and a white mask with a smiley face on it in... blood?

The visitors turned to me and stared for a moment before the jester guy walked up to me and held out his hand to shake.

"Hello, dear~! My name is Candypop, but you may call me Candy. What's your name?" Candy asked.

I hesitated a second before reaching out and shaking his hand. He smelled strongly of sugar, and it was a bit overwhelming.

"My name is ( y/n ). Nice to meet you," I said, smiling bashfully. He grinned and pulled his hand back, the bells in his hair jingling quietly.

The grey guy with the glowy eyes and mouth stepped up and didn't offer his hand. Instead, he just smirked and crossed his arms. This weired me out a bit, but I decided to brush it off.

"Hello, love. My name is the Puppeteer, but just call me Puppeteer or Puppet," he said in a deep, gravelly voice. I nodded as the half-and-half guy stepped up.

He pulled me in for a hug which caught me off-guard, but I returned it anyways. He was very warm and soft, and I felt as if I was melting into his grip oddly enough.

When he pulled away, he began to speak.
"Hello! My name is Kagekao," he said. Kagekao had a very thick Japanese accent, which surprised me a bit since none of the others have accents.

The normalish looking guy smiled at me and rubbed his neck awkwardly.
"Hey. I'm Helen, it's nice to meet you," he mumbled. I grinned at him and nodded.

"Nice to meet you too."

LJ clapped his hands after the introductions were made to get everyone's attention.
"Wonderful~! We all know each other's names now~!" he cheered. Everyone either nodded or said something in agreement when someone nudged me. I looked to my right to see that it was Hoodie.

"Since everyone is visiting, we won't do training today," he whispered to me. I was a bit disappointed, but I nodded anyways in response. He shot me the best apologetic look that he could muster from under his mask and I felt myself smiling softly.

I was snapped back into reality by a loud voice talking at everyone in the room.
"Since we have visitors, we should do something fun today. Like go out," Jeff suggested. I perked up and nodded quickly.

"Yeah! We should go to the park or something," I added, thinking of my little friend Sals. Sally jumped up and down excitedly, beaming at Slenderman.

"Yeah, can we? I haven't gone to the park in forever!" she squealed. Slender tilted his head and looked down at Sally.

"Hm, I suppose we could. There's a park near by that's fairly large.." he trailed off as everyone cheered. Slender dismissed everyone to get ready and be fairly humanized, so I just waited downstairs with Sally.

- time skip to when you get to the park -

( third person's pov )
When the group arrived at the park, many of them rushed off to various different things. The Puppeteer, Candypop, Jeff, BEN, LJ, and Sally rushed off to the swings.

Kagekao was sticking close with ( y/n ) and so was Toby, while Masky and Hoodie were off messing around on the monkey bars. Helen and EJ were over on the slides, mostly just fighting over who got to go down first.

Toby, who was on ( y/n )'s left side, turned to her and smiled.
"D-do you *tic* g-guys wan-want to *tic* p-play tag or *tic* s-something?" he asked. ( y/n ) grinned and nodded, same with Kagekao.

"Let's ask the others if they want to play, too! I'll go ask Helen and EJ," she said. "Kagekao, can you go get Masky and Hoodie please?"

Kagekao mumbled an agreement and rushed off to go get the pair. Toby, already guessing what ( y/n ) was going to say, ran off to the swing sets to grab most of the pastas.

( y/n ) jogged over to Helen and EJ and peered up the slide at them. EJ turned to her and tilted his head.

"What's up, ( y/n )?" he asked. ( y/n ) smiled and pointed to the growing group of pastas.
"All of us are going to go play tag, wanna join?"

Helen was the first to agree, jumping off the side of the slide and stumbling over to the girl. She giggled and glanced at EJ.

"Are you coming, or no?" she asked. EJ, who was currently spaced out, snapped out of it and nodded with a quiet 'sorry'.

He jumped off as well and the three headed to the large group. They had all decided to play "cub scout you're out" to decide who was it.

Person after person was eliminated until two remained: Puppeteer and Kagekao. The two were staring anxiously at BEN, who was currently singing the rhyme.

"Cub scout, you're out!" he cheered, elimating Kagekao. Kagekao sighed out of relief and Puppeteer grinned.

"Alright. Let's get this game started, then," he purred mischievously. Everyone scattered, some climbing onto the play structures and others just milling about.

Puppeteer decided to charge for Hoodie, who wasn't exactly the quickest runner. Though he wasn't very fast, Hoodie was very nimble and dodged easily, sending Puppeteer face-first into the woodchips.

Jeff laughed like a maniac at the sight and Puppeteer began to chase him instead. ( y/n ) was currently hiding under a low play structure with LJ and Candypop. The smell of sugar was giving her a headache.

LJ giggled at Jeff running by with Puppeteer close in heel, which caused Candypop to pinch LJ on the cheek hard. He stopped giggling after that.

When Jeff was finally tagged, he spotted ( y/n ), Candypop, and LJ easily. They all scrambled out of the spot quickly, but ( y/n ) tripped over her shoe laces and fell prey to Jeff.

He tagged ( y/n ) quickly, jabbing her ( f/c ) shirt in an almost teasing manner. She grimaced and got up, pulling her ( h/c ) hair out of her face.

She looked around, eyes darting from person to person before she realized that BEN was fairly close.


whoop this is getting a bit long so i'll cut it here

i'll finish it in the next chapter lol

buh bye, loves~! <3

word count: 1419 words

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