2. why did i choose the forest..?

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Q( y/n's pov )
After last night's beating, I snapped.
Thinking back on all of the times that I had allowed her to beat me since I was younger, I realized what a sh*tty situation I was in. Somehow, my mind hatched a brilliant plan: just run away. Where I could go was an issue, but I didn't want to burden Liam and his family.

And here I am now, packing my backpack full of small necessities. A change of clothes, a water bottle, around $200 in cash from my mom's wallet, a ton of granola bars, my phone, my phone charger, and a small knife.

I took my phone out quickly and decided to call Liam. It was only 10:36pm, so I figured he was still awake. He answered on the second ring.

"Hey, ( y/n ). Anything wrong?" his voice was hoarse, as if I had just woken him up.

"Did I wake you up? Sorry about that. And no. nothing's wrong. I just called to tell you that I found a place to stay and that I will be absent from school for a while."

Liam was silent on the other end and I could practically hear his mind turning its gears. He sighed quietly and I heard him rub his face with his free hand. After a long pause, he finally replied.

"Alright, hun. I trust you. Call me if you need anything, I'm literally about to fall asleep," he chuckled quietly.

I exhaled my held-in breath and smiled.
"Thanks for understanding, Li. You're the best," I paused, "sleep well! I'll call you later."

I pressed the 'end call' button on my phone and put the backpack on my back. Tying a grey sweatshirt around my waist and slipping my phone in my back pocket, I made my way out of the house, simply using the front door.

Mom was smashed enough that she wouldn't wake up from the door opening and closing, which made me kind of sad to think about. It's not really her fault that she drinks like she does.

I sighed, pushing my ( h/c ) hair out of my face and rubbing my eyes. Now, where should I go?
None of the stores were open so I went to the next best place: the forest. I could easily hide there and find a place to sleep, I figured. So that's where I headed off to.

Walking to the forest made me realize two things:
1. I was exhausted
2. I am afraid of the dark

I decided to click on my flashlight after grabbing it out of my bag, shining it around me warily. No one was outside, which made me feel the slightest bit better.

However, as I walked through the forest, I did feel like I was being watched.

( masky's pov )
Hoodie and I had just returned from our kill when we heard someone else walking through the forest. I put my finger up to the lips on my mask as to say 'shh!' so that Hoodie would be quieter.

We followed the noise until we were able to see the figure who was creating it, when it hit me: That's the girl I had run into the other day!

I smirked under my mask and explained to Hoodie about the girl. He chuckled quietly, his red eyes glowing ominously. I whispered to him, my voice barely audible.

"Let's have some fun with her."

Hoodie nodded in agreement, running stealthy to the other side of ( y/n ), hidden by only a couple of bushes. She didn't seem to notice us, but we could both tell that she was growing more paranoid at every second. I smiled under my mask, taking in her small figure.

She had ( h/c ) hair, but I couldn't make out her eye colour. Her hair was tied up in a pony tail and she was wearing a white long-sleeved tshirt, blue jeans and ( f/c ) converse. She had a grey sweatshirt wrapped around her waist and a ( f/c ) backpack on her back. Although looking closer it appeared that she had bruises all over her body, which made me a bit concerned.

No, I wasn't concerned. I realized that this feeling was just curiousity. I glanced over at Hoodie to see if he was keeping up okay. He shot me a thumbs up and I smiled beneath my mask.

( y/n ) looked around wearily, as if she could sense us following her. She began speeding up her walking, and I could tell by her stiff posture that she was at complete unease. I got out a small knife and slowly, quietly, almost ninja-like, walked up behind her.

"Boo," I whispered into her ear, right as Hoodie jumped out of the bushes to face her.

( third person's pov )
As soon as ( y/n ) heard a random man whisper into her ear, her heart stopped cold. She completely froze up, her body becoming rigid with fear.

The man that stood in front of her was wearing a yellow hoodie and a black mask. His 'eyes' were red and his 'mouth' was a red line curved into a frown. He began walking up to ( y/n ), playing with a knife now in his hands.

( y/n )'s eyes flooded with tears as she had a complete mental breakdown internally. Her mind flooded with thoughts of her last moments and what exactly they were going to do with her.

Masky wrapped his arms around the girl and pushed a knife against her throat, signaling for Hoodie to take something out of his pocket. Hoodie took something out of his pocket and aimed it straight for ( y/n ), about to pull the trigger, before...

"Hoodie! Masky!" a small voice cheered. The person behind the voice emerged out of the bushes. She was a little girl who looked to be around eight or so. She had brown hair and green eyes, a pink night gown and a teddy bear in her hands. Though her night gown was ripped and she head a bloody gash on her head, she somehow radiated the feeling of innocence.

Masky and Hoodie froze in their tracks, slowly lowering their weapons and stepping away from ( y/n ).

( y/n ) watched, confused and horrified at the same time. Her head was spinning and she was still sobbing, but her curiosity had gotten the best of her.

"Sally, now is not the time," Masky growled quietly, looking away from her smiling face. She jumped up and down, squeezing the teddy bear in her hands.

"I can't believe you brought me a friend! Thank you so much!" Sally cheered, practically jumping up and down.

Hoodie shook his head gently, not wanting to freak Sally out.
"N-no, Sally. She isn't your friend."

Sally's eyes glistened up as small tears pricked them. She seemed to be genuinely disappointed, but instead shook her head.

"Well, she can be a new friend if I want her to."


aaaand done! sorry for the sucky chapter heh. it's 2:00am where i live and im incredibly tired. sorry if there is spelling/grammar mistakes, but honestly i could care less.

i'll make a better chapter in the morning, i promise! :3c

buh bye, loves~ <3

word count; 1218 words

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