5. malls are fun.. right?

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( y/n's pov )
It was the third day of living with the pastas, and I had adjusted well. Jeff still scared me and Hoodie wouldn't even look at me, but everyone else was very friendly to me.

Right now, I'm getting ready to go shopping for new clothes with Trendy, Sally, Masky, and EJ. They all, surprisingly, have normalish human versions of themselves that can turn themselves into.

Don't ask me how, it must be demon magic or something.

"( y/n ), are you ready?" Trendy asked me in his human form. I nodded and he smiled slightly, pushing up his glasses. "Is everyone else ready, too?"

Sally looked just like a normal eight year old, and is really wasn't too different. Masky and EJ looked just like normal teen boys, however there was something off about their faces.

They seemed uncomfortable out of their masks and with normal human faces, but I thought it made them look kind of cute.

Trendy led us through the forest quietly, and we emerged at a bus stop. Handing us each $1.25, he explained to us what to do.

"First off, put your money in the slot when you get on board. Second off, no getting into fights, and third, always keep your human faces up. You never know who's watching," Trendy said, aiming it mostly at Masky and EJ.

I giggled quietly at them all, when the bus stopped in front of us. We all walked on together quietly before taking our seats in the back.

I sat with Sally on my lap in the window seat while Trendy and EJ sat in front of us in another row. Masky was next to Sals and I.

We'd only been riding for a couple of minutes when a group of teens around our age got on. There were two boys and three girls, which made Masky shift uncomfortably in his seat.

Sally was jumping on my lap, pointing excitedly at everything as we whirred past multiple people, buildings and other normal things. Every time we passed a person, she would turn around and ask if I knew them. Each time, I had to hold back laughs at her adorableness.

It wasn't too long before the girls had spotted Trendy, Masky and EJ. They were shooting glances in their direction and whispering like children. I signed and rolled my eyes.

Masky got a bit flushed at the excessive attention, EJ seemed to be annoyed, and Trendy did not care at all. I nudged Masky and giggled.

"Looks like you got yourself a fan club, huh?"

He smiled nervously and shrugged, squirming in his seat.
"I guess.. I don't like the attention too much. I wish I had my mask with me," he said quietly.

I smiled at him and pat his shoulder sympathetically.
"No worries, Masky. You have Sally to protect you!"

At the mention of her name, Sally turned around and cheered.
"Yes, I shall protect you, princess Masky!"

( masky's pov )
I laughed at Sally and bowed in my seat as best as I could.
"Thank you, knight Sally!"

She turned back around and continued to stare in awe at everything, leaving ( y/n ) and I in awkward silence.

EJ turned around in his seat and rolled his eyes playfully.
"See those girls over there?" he gestured to where they were sitting, "I wish I could throw them out of these bus windows."

I began cracking up along with ( y/n ). Normally, EJ wouldn't say such a thing. He's normally not very joking, only around BEN. In fact, I had no idea why he was in such a playful mood at all today.

He smiled at us and then glanced around mischievously.
"Should I flirt with them from my seat?"

I had no idea what he meant so I paused. ( y/n ) nodded and Trendy laughed to himself from his seat. I assumed that whatever he meant was funny, so I too nodded.

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