17. ( part 5 ) comforted by toby

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( third person's pov )
Toby stood on the other end of the door awkwardly, trying to decide whether or not to knock on the door.

He stood for a moment before swallowing his nervous feelings and knocked on the door gently. His anxiety slowly turned to worry as ( y/n ) didn't answer right away, so he decided to get verbal.

"( y/n )?" Toby asked, his hands almost shaking from how worried seeing ( y/n ) cry had made him. Toby had never seen her look so distraught, because even when she came back from the mission she was still smiling.

"Go away, Toby. I don't want to talk to you right now," she sniffled, her voice sounding teary and thick. A pang of sympathy stabbed him in the stomach as Toby listened to her talk. She sounded bad.

"( y/n ), *tic* p-please let m-me *tic* in," he pleaded, almost ready to knock down the door to get to her. His heart was nearly pounding out of his chest, the beats getting quicker and harder every moment that ( y/n ) didn't let him in.

"Toby... I just want to be alone... You don't even know what happened..."

"E-Exactly! *tic* ( y-y/n ) I wa-want to *tic* know," Toby said, his voice practically dripping desperation. ( y/n ) sniffled on the other end and stayed silent for a moment before reluctantly unlocking the bathroom door.

Toby turned the knob and opened the bathroom door, only to look down and see a tear-stained, sniffling, distraught looking ( y/n ). He crouched down and brought his hands to her face, wiping away the tears.

"H-Here, *tic* let me br-bring *tic* y-you some-somewhere *tic* else," Toby murmured, scooping ( y/n ) up in his arms and walking out of the bathroom.

As the two made their way downstairs, ( y/n ) forced a teary-eyed smile and squirmed in Toby's arms.
"I can walk you know," she said, rubbing her eyes.

Toby raised his eyebrows at her and smiled, slowing his gait down.
"I-I could *tic* ma-make you w-walk if *tic* you wa-want me t-to."

( y/n ) giggled softly and shook her head, leaning against the crook of his arms.

By the time Toby and ( y/n ) had arrived downstairs, everyone else had went to their rooms to do whatever it is that they do in their free time.

Toby walked ( y/n ) into the kitchen and set her down on the counter top.

"Why'd you set me up here? I can stand, silly," ( y/n ) sniffled with a small, genuine smile. Toby chuckled and ran his fingers through his hair, walking over to the freezer.

"B-Because I'm *tic* go-going to m-make *tic* us s-some icecream," he said in a matter-of-fact tone. "I-Icecream always *tic* m-makes me fe-feel *tic* b-better when I-I'm *tic* down."

( y/n ) blushed slightly and played with her hands.
"Oh, Toby... That's sweet. You don't have to."

Toby took a carton of [ favorite flavour ] icecream and grinned, turning round to face the girl sitting on the counter.
"I-I know."

( y/n ) watched silently as Toby fixed up two bowls of icecream, topping each with [ favorite topping ]. Toby walked up to her and handed her the bowl of ice cream, jumping up to sit next to her on the counter.

He removed his mouthguard and took a bite of his icecream, sitting in comfortable silence next to ( y/n ). The ( h/c ) haired girl ate a bit of her icecream before dispelling the quiet.

"Toby... Can I tell you what happened tonight? I don't want to keep it... to myself..."

Toby licked icecream off of his lips and nodded, setting his bowl aside and folding his hands in his lap. Completely ready to listen.

"Well, uhm... I was getting back from getting fresh air, and..." Tears sprung up to ( y/n )'s eyes again, but she ignored them and continued her story.

"This... random guy grabbed me and, um, started to grind against me and hold me down by my hips..." her voice trailed off softly, looking down at the ground in embarrassment.

"I tried to get him to let go, but..." ( y/n )'s face crumpled and she started to cry, wiping hastily at her eyes with her fingers. She shook her head slowly and swallowed back a sob, determined to continue.

"He just, just grabbed my chest and asked if... if I wanted to have fun, but, um, I slapped him and... left..."

Toby hummed sympathetically and pulled ( y/n ) in for a hug, resting his head on the top of hers. He raked his fingers through her hair and just held ( y/n ) for a while until pulling away.

"I-I'm sorry *tic* ( y-y/n ). Guys *tic* ca-can be r-real *tic* creeps," he mumbled. ( y/n ) nodded and smiled a little, wiping away the tears.

She leaned back on her hands and looked up at the ceiling.
"Yeah, I guess. I'm just glad that you aren't one," she said. Toby chuckled and made claws with his hands, grinning devilishly.

"G-Grrr! *tic* Be s-scared of me, *tic* ( y-y/n )!"

( y/n ) giggled and playfully punched Toby's arm.
"Whatever, Toby."


wowowowowowowow i enjoyed writing this

thats all now :") i think i'll do ej next, then lj

word count: 905 words

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