9. training with jeff

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( a/n : i may do some more of these chapters relating to certain characters that don't get enough love, like BEN and laughing jack lol. )

( third person's pov )
( y/n ) stretched and sat up groggily, rubbing the sleep out of her sore eyes. She looked around and took in her surroundings, finally remembering that she had fallen asleep in EJ's room after spraining her ankle.

Next to her was a warm presence and soft breathing accompanied by snores every once in awhile. She turned to face the noise, only to be met by Jack's sleeping figure curled up next to her.

She blushed a bit and got out of bed slowly and quietly as to not wake him up. ( y/n ) wandered down stairs to the kitchen in search of Jeff. The idea of her first training lesson to be with Jeff, an amazing killer, made her heart race with excitement and eagerness.

Jeff was in the kitchen making toast when ( y/n ) walked in. He grinned and winked at her playfully.
"Ready for today's training lesson?" he mused, propping a hand on his hip. The ( h/c ) haired girl nodded vigorously which produced a laugh from the smiling man.

"Yes! I'm really excited, Jeff!"

He began to butter his toast, glancing up at ( y/n ) to talk to her.
"I bet you are. I am pretty great, after all. It must be an honor for me to teach you!" he declared dramatically, making ( y/n ) giggle.

She nodded again much to Jeff's surprise.
"Of course," she gushed, "I'm glad that you're going to give me some close combat training before I learn long distance combat with Hoodie."

Jeff nodded slowly before finishing buttering his toast. He smirked at her and raised an eyebrow.
"Mhm, I'm excited too. I want to see how you do since you haven't fought before, I assume?"
The last part was said quieter and more as a question.

"I don't know about fighting, but I've built a high pain tolerance, which is probably helpful?"

He scoffed and leaned in close to ( y/n ).
"Honey, you won't need high pain tolerance if you learn to fight well enough."
Jeff leaned back to a more comfortable distance and ate his toast quickly.

"Oh," ( y/n ) murmured with a light blush creeping across her face. Jeff brushed his hands off and grabbed his knife, which was conveniently on the counter next to him. He handed it to the girl and grabbed her wrist.

"Let's go. I'll take you to where I usually practice," he said, dragging her out of the door quickly.

- time skip to when you're at his training spot lolol -

( jeff's pov )
When ( y/n ) and I arrived to where we would be training, I let go of her wrist and stepped back about fifteen feet. I beckoned my hands at her and smirked.

"Alright. Try to attack me."

She hesitated and looked down at the large knife in her hands.
"A-are you sure? I don't wanna hurt you.." ( y/n ) murmured gently, looking a bit scared. I attempted to smile at her comfortingly, but it probably came off as I was grimacing.

"It's alright, hun. You won't hurt me," I reassured. She nodded and paused for a moment before charging at me, knife first.

Her run was a bit clumsy and unsteady, but she was quick and managed to get to me before I could react. She lunged the knife at me, missing by quite a bit.

Her grip was too tight and she was straining her arm just attempting to line the knife up directly with my body. A growl of disappointment rose up from her throat at she lunged at me again.

I dodged easily and she fell over, knife clattering to the ground. ( y/n ) picked herself up from the ground and dusted herself off with a puppy-like frown on her face.

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