13. first mission! well... kind of

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( a/n: sorry for not updating in a while!! to make up for it, this will be a loooong chapter. i'm talking maybe 3,000 words or so ;) hope you enjoy! )

( y/n's pov )
I awoke with a start to loud chattering and shuffling around. Getting up slowly and looking around the living room, I realized that everyone had left.

I sighed and pushed my ( h/c ) hair out of my face and rubbed my eyes sleepily. Getting up, I decided to follow where the noise was coming from. It was the dining room, as usual.

I entered the dining room to see the usual hectic scene; pastas running around, breakfast in hands. BEN was the first to notice my groggy arrival.

"Oh, good morning princess!" BEN stood up in his seat and propped himself up on the table, leaning towards me as best as he could muster.

I smiled, said my goodmornings, and took a seat across from him, sitting in between Toby and Masky. I leaned my head on Toby's shoulder and he looked down at me with a startled expression.

Toby smiled at me and blushed, patting my head gently with his right hand.
"G-good morning *tic* ( y-y/n )!" he said happily, turning back to his waffles.

Masky then turned to us and grinned mischievously.
"Oh, ( y/n ). I didn't see you there!"

I leaned off of Toby and smiled.
"Oh, good morning, Masky."
I propped my head up on my hands and glanced at him. He had his mask pushed up to his nose, just exposing his mouth.

Masky took a sip of his water and set it back down to the table with a small clink.
"How'd you sleep?"

I felt a smile grow on my face as I replayed the events of last night with Candypop. I spotted him at the end of the table, staring at me with a small smirk.

"It was nice. I couldn't sleep so Candypop made me some warm milk to help me calm down," I said, feeling my cheeks grow hot at some questionable stares I was getting from the other pastas, especially Jeff and BEN.

Slender piped up from across the table to my left and I looked over to see him with Sally in his lap.
"I'm glad you're getting along with everyone, ( y/n )."

Sally nodded, bouncing up and down in his lap excitedly.
"Me too, ( y/n )! But you're still my best friend!" she crowed, her emerald eyes glittering. I giggled and nodded.

"Of course, Sals! You're my best friend, too."

EJ, who had been listening in on the conversation, placed a hand over his heart dramatically and gasped.
"But.. ( y/n )," he sputtered, "I.. I thought that we were best friends!"

I giggled at his dramatic attitude.
"We are, you silly duck," I cooed. He chuckled and went back to whatever it is he was doing before, so I turned back to Slender.

"Any news for today, Slender?"

He thought for a moment before perking back up, using his tendrils to braid Sally's hair as she giggled and bounced around.

"Actually, yes. Would you like to accompany a few of the pastas on a mission today?"

Everyone seemed to go silent at his words. My heart skipped a few beats and I paused, speechless at his words. I nodded eagerly and stood up in my chair.

"O-oh, of course!" I exclaimed. Everyone seemed to either smile, laugh, or sigh. Slender looked pleased at my response and nodded slowly to himself.

"Very well. You'll be attending a mission with LJ, Kagekao, Hoodie, and Helen."

LJ, Kagekao, Hoodie, and Helen? Awesome!!
I cheered internally and smiled at all of them gleefully. LJ laughed and clapped his hands in excitement at the news while the three other boys either grinned (Helen) or nodded (Kagekao and Hoodie).

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