8. spraining my ankle & eyeless jack

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( y/n's pov )
I sighed and held back tears of pain as I sat on the cold, hard floor. Just then, I had slipped down the stairs and landed awkwardly on my ankle, spraining it. I was already tried, I didn't need to add "sprained ankle" to my list of problems.

I looked up and held in a large breath to keep from crying. No one was downstairs at the moment, and I couldn't bare to get up and walk to my room when my ankle felt like it was burning off. Pathetic? Yes, but I had never dealt with this much pain.. besides when my mom used to beat me.

But that's a different type of pain for the most part.

A few minutes later, I heard someone walking downstairs to where I was sitting. I turned around to look at them, only to be greeted with EJ.

He kneeled down to get to my level and set his hands on the floor to hold himself steady.
"( y/n ), why are you sitting on the floor?" he asked, the smallest bit of amusement in his voice.

I scowled at him and tried to act tough. He chuckled, which kind of set me off. I began to cry, much to his surprise, and wipe my eyes to stop the tears.

"I fell and hurt my ankle and I can't get up," I wailed, being a bit dramatic. He sighed to himself and got up. EJ leaned down and picked me up bridal style, walking me over to his room.

( ej's pov )
I carried ( y/n ) up to my room to fix her ankle, much to her weak attempts at protest. She clung to my body feebly and I couldn't help but marvel at how small she looked in my arms.

When we arrived to my room, I stepped in and closed the door behind us. ( y/n ) rubbed her eyes as I set her down on my bed, rummaging through my medical supplies to find the bandages.

"Jack," she said, using my first name only, "why did you bring me up here?"

I chuckled as I found the bandages and turned back to her.
"To get your ankle fixed, of course. I wasn't going to leave you on the floor crying," I teased. She cracked a weak smile and swung her leg up on the bed.

I smiled gently at her under my mask and sat next to her leg. Taking her injured ankle in my hand, I began to wrap it up gently. ( y/n ) whimpered every once in a while, but she mostly didn't make any noise.

"Good girl," I purred after finishing, cutting the rest of the bandage off to close it off. Her cheeks turned pink and she looked away as I chuckled.

"You might want to stay in my room for a bit. I don't want you walking around on your hurt ankle for about a day."

( third person's pov )
( y/n ) nodded and pulled her legs up under her, hissing in pain as the burning sensation worsened. EJ pulled the blanket up to her chest and got up to stretch.

He was just about to leave before ( y/n ) spoke up.
"Jack, stay in here with me."

He, though a bit surprised, nodded and sat back down on the edge of the bed. The girl smiled softly at him and leaned back against his soft pillows, closing her eyes and relaxing.

The pillows smelled like the forest, a strong and crisp smell, a scent that had grown comforting to her. She looked up to find him staring at her uncomfortably, making her giggle.

Jack tilted his head in a questioning gesture and scooted a little closer to her.
"What's so funny?" he asked, rubbing the back of his neck.

( y/n ) grinned at him and sent his heart fluttering.
"You just look so uncomfortable, Jack. It's kind of funny," she giggled. Jack scowled under his mask and crossed his arms.

"I'm not uncomfortable... It's just awkward," he huffed. ( y/n ) giggled some more and smirked mischievously at him. Jack pushed his mask up just enough to expose his mouth and stuck his tongue out at her.

In all honesty, ( y/n ) had never seen this side of Jack. He was normally kind of quiet and serious, not usually one to joke. The only other time she remembered him joking around was on the bus, which was quite a fond memory to ( y/n ).

The silence hung in the air like a thick cloud before someone knocked on the door. It was Jeff.

He barged in and put his hands on his hips after winking at ( y/n ).

"EJ, I have been looking for this girl," he pointed to ( y/n ), "all day. I was going to take her out to practice a bit before Hoodie got to teach her."

Jack just frowned at Jeff and shrugged.
"Well, she fell and hurt her ankle. She'll be staying in my room with me for today. You can mess with her tomorrow, when she's not hurt," he said strictly, making sure that his point was across.

( y/n ) looked at Jeff and smiled.
"You want to train me tomorrow? Cool!" she exclaimed. ( y/n ) was very eager to start her training with Hoodie, but having any opportunity to start early was like a gift from the gods to her.

Jeff nodded excitedly and grinned at her.
"I know, right? I want to teach you how to handle knives and close combat since Hoodie will be teaching you about guns and far-distance combat."

Jack mentally groaned and crossed his arms. He wanted to talk to ( y/n ) and have her attention on him, not on Jeff. Was he feeling...


No, he decided. He was just annoyed by Jeff's empty blabbering. Jack cleared his throat after a while and got both of their attention.

"Jeff, I think it's time for you to go. ( y/n ) must be getting tired and I should probably put her to bed now."

Jeff sighed and stalked out after saying goodnight to ( y/n ). Jack turned to her and smiled apologetically. She tried to frown, only to be interrupted by a small yawn.

Jack laughed and got up from the bed. He walked over to where ( y/n )'s head was laying on his pillows and leaned close to her face.

Her face flushed slightly as she stared at him. He leaned down and pressed a gentle kiss to her forehead, catching her a bit off guard.

Jack opened the door and turned off the light, smiling back at ( y/n ).
"Goodnight, ( y/n ). I'll be here when you wake up, so don't worry about me."

She nodded to him and closed her eyes, falling asleep with cheeks as pink as roses as soon as the lights turned off.



eyeless jack is my favorite aside from toby and masky, but as you can guess, the last chapter before training starts is with jeff.

i feel like he hasn't gotten enough attention throughout this book and i kind of feel bad ;;

anyways, that's all i have for now.

buh bye, loves! <3

word count: 1204 words

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