17. ( part 6 ) comforted by laughing jack

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( third person's pov )
"( y/n ), my dear?" a gentle voice purred on the other side of the door. ( y/n ) looked up at the door and frowned, not really wanting to talk to someone as joyous as LJ at that very moment.

She sniffed and rubbed her eyes, deciding that the silent treatment would be the best option.
LJ frowned a rare frown on the other side and knocked on the door again.

"My dear, I can hear you sniffling in there~ Please just let me in," LJ pleaded. ( y/n ) sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose. Her annoyance level went up with every word he said.

"LJ, please... I don't want to talk right now."

"( y/n ), my dear, let me in. I promise I won't make you talk if you don't want to," he promised, hand on the doorknob. ( y/n ) groaned and unlocked the door reluctantly.

LJ grinned and opened the door, his joy melting off of his face once he saw the true shape that ( y/n ) was in.

"Oh, ( y/n )... My darling, what happened to you?"

( y/n ) turned away and ignored the throbbing pain in her head, ignored the tears building up inside, and ignored the help that LJ wanted to share.

"Nothing happened, I'm fine."

LJ grabbed ( y/n )'s hands and pulled her up so that she was standing in front of him. He smiled playfully and pulled her out of the bathroom gently.

"Ah, ah, ah, ( y/n )~! If nothing's wrong, then why don't you smile?"

He twirled her around in the hallway, earning the slightest of smiles from her. ( y/n ) used her free hand to wipe away tears, still allowing LJ to hold her other hand.

"LJ, I'm just not in the mood to laugh..."

LJ raised an eyebrow mischievously and smirked, letting go of her hands. He crouched down and turned his back to her, talking over his shoulder.

"Come on, my darling~! Get on my back~"

( y/n ) cracked a small smile and rubbed her face hastily. She trudged over and hopped on his back, wrapping her legs around his waist and her arms around his shoulders.

"I'm only doing this so that you shut up," she growled half-heartedly. LJ giggled and stood up again, nodding to himself.

"Of course, dear~! Now, let's go downstairs and we can talk over a snack, hm?"

LJ walked down the stairs with ( y/n ) on his back, cracking dumb jokes just to get her to smile or even giggle a little bit.

( y/n ), though she didn't want to admit it, was thankful to LJ for taking her mind off of things for a while, even though she was a bit of a jerk at first.

When the pair arrived downstairs, LJ trampled into the dining room and set ( y/n ) down in a chair. He smiled and propped his hands on his hips.

"There we go~! Would you like some tea, dear~?"

( y/n ) shrugged and smiled a bit, hiding her face by turning her head to the side.
"Oh, um... sure.  Thank you, LJ."

LJ hummed a response and wandered over to the kitchen, returning shortly with two cups of [ favorite flavor ] tea. He set a cup down in front her of, then took his own seat across from her.

"So, my darling. What's been bothering you, hm~?"

( y/n )'s heart began to race, but she appeared calm and took a sip of the hot tea. She studied the cup in her hands and felt the burning sensation of humiliation take over her body.

"Well... It's nothing, er, nothing important..."

LJ smiled faintly and raised his eyebrows, taking a sip of his tea.
"Well, surely it's important if it's bothering you."

( y/n ) sighed and ran her fingers through her ( h/l ) ( h/c ) hair. She crossed her arms defensively and tried not to tear up again just thinking about it.

"I don't know, LJ. This random guy just... got a little touchy with me..."

He narrowed his eyes, the smile no longer evident on his face.
"How so?"

She averted her ( e/c ) eyes and looked at the ground.
"He just... just grinded on me a bit and held me down... When I tried to get him off, he..." her voice cracked and she fought the urge to stop talking completely, "just... asked me if, if I wanted to have fun and then... grabbed my chest..."

LJ took another sip of his tea and nodded slowly, unsure of how to react. His blood boiled at the news, but LJ didn't want to scare ( y/n ) by getting angry.

"Oh, my darling. I'm sorry that that happened to you..."

( y/n ) looked up again and sniffled, turning her head away and leaning on the table gently.
"No, it's... fine. I should've been more careful about being alone in a bar."

LJ raised his eyebrows and leaned forward on the table, propping his head up with his arm.
"Do you blame yourself for what happened?" he asked, sounding a little hurt.

( y/n ) paused and nodded slightly, looking like a lost puppy.
"Kind of, I guess..."

"Aw, ( y/n )... Don't blame yourself for his mistake. I'm sure one day, he'll regret it~"

He paused, a sinister smile growing on his lips.

"And you know what they say~! Karma's a b*tch!"

( y/n ) giggled a little, not completely picking up on LJ's mischievous hints.
"I mean, if that's what you say then I'll believe you."

LJ giggled and finished off his cup of tea, standing up to put it away.
"Would you like me to take your cup back?" he asked, holding his hand out.

( y/n ) nodded and smiled gratefully at the monochrome clown, handing him the glass gently. As LJ slipped off to the kitchen to set the glasses in the sink, ( y/n ) sat in silence, running over the events of the night.

When LJ returned, he handed ( y/n ) signature hard candy and smiled at her.
The ( h/c ) haired girl smiled a little and got up, embracing the clown in a hug.

"Thanks for cheering me up, LJ. I appreciate it."

He giggled and wrapped his arms around her waist, spinning her around a bit before setting her down again.

"Anytime, my dear. Anytime~"


idk how to write anymore lollll

next is ej, i had a change of plans

word count: 1074 words

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