20. wait... christmas?

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( y/n's pov )
After many, many questions about my second "official" training session, I was finally able to sit down and relax on the soft couches in the large living room of the mansion, my now forever-home. After tonight, I felt a little more accepted into the group than I usually did. It feels like, every time I go train or accompany them on a mission, I get closer to becoming a true 'pasta. It's a nice feeling, to finally feel accepted by your friends.

I crawl onto the couch, exhausted, and grab one of the soft, coffee brown cushions that are placed in seemingly random places. Pushing my face into the plush, musky-smelling pillow, I breath deeply and relax my sore muscles against the cotton build of the couch. I feel the weight on the couch shift beside me, and I look up to see Helen sitting there with a small smile on his face.

"Hello, (y/n)," he says softly, flicking the black hair out of his face. I smile back and peek up at him through the pillow lazily.

"Hi, Helen. What's up?" I ask in response, raising my eyebrows. He leans against the couch and closes his eyes, his breathing becoming more shallow and soft as he relaxes.

"Mm, nothing. Just bored."

"Me, too. I wonder what everyone else is doing."

Helen nods. "Yeah, same here," he agrees thoughtfully. This leaves the two of us in comfortable silence, the type of silence that's only possible for me to be okay with because it's Helen. He's not much of a talker, and I've gotten used to that, so I can appreciate the silence when it happens.

Soon enough, Puppeteer walks in, too, and sits next to me as well. He wraps an arm around my shoulder and grins, his yellow eyes glowing mischievously. "(y/n), my darling. You look absolutely exhausted."

I laugh weakly. "Thanks. I am, actually."

He chuckles a low chuckle, one that comes from deep inside his chest. "I meant that in the best way possible. Is there anything I can do for you? A drink, perhaps?" Puppeteer asks gently, his hand fiddling with the golden strings attached to the tips of his fingers. I watch with mild interest.

"Well... I am kinda thirsty, so... We could go get something to drink? Like (favorite drink)?" I suggest with a small smile creeping into my words. He nods and stands up, taking his hand in mine and pulling me along to the kitchen. I wave a quick goodbye to Helen before I leave.

I jump up and sit on the countertops as he makes me a cup of (favorite drink). I swing my legs idly and listen as the other 'pastas walk around and chat to each other.

I hear Masky laugh and Toby giggle back, the two of them sharing a private joke. I hear BEN and Jeff argue, along with EJ chiming in about them being too immature. I hear Slender and Helen chat about simple things, like how their days went. I hear Candy, LJ, and Kagekao all chuckle and giggle to themselves while talking loudly. I hear a lot, and all of it is like music to my ears.

I don't exactly know why I'm in such a good mood, but hearing the rest of them being so happy and cheerful makes me feel happy and cheerful.

A few seconds go by before Puppeteer hands me my drink. I smile at him, murmur a small "thank you", and take a sip. I drink almost the whole thing in less than a minute, which makes him laugh. I set the cup down on the counter.

"Thirsty?" he asks, cocking an eyebrow. I suppress the urge to laugh as I nod.

"Yeah, guess so."

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