17. ( part 10 ) comforted by helen

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(( a/n: 1k reads!?!?! ILY GUYS SM JDKSKS THANK YOU FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART ❤️💕💖💓💞💘❤️💕💖💓💞💘 ))

( helen's pov )
I knocked again on the oak door after getting no response. My heart was pounding hard, and I'm almost certain that ( y/n ) could hear it from inside the bathroom.

On the topic of ( y/n ), seeing her so sad and scared made me scared. I've never seen anyone look like she did, eyes wide and glossed over with tears, chest heaving up and down. It's a horrible sight to see when someone you care about looks so distressed.

"W-Whoever it, it is... Go a-away," ( y/n ) murmurs, stuttering and tripping over her words. I feel a stab of guilt in my chest.

I flick the raven hair out of my face and lean against the door, slumping down to a sitting position. If ( y/n ) doesn't want to let me in, then I'll wait for her to leave. She can't possibly stay in there all night, right?

- time skip -

It's been four hours since ( y/n ) went into the bathroom. My legs have gone numb five times and I need to stretch or they'll literally fall off.

I stand up slowly, grunting as my leg muscles tighten up and strain themselves. My hands stretch over my head and I push back my hair, beginning to make my way downstairs.

When I reach the bottom, everyone is looking at me eagerly from the living room as if they thought I'd have rescued ( y/n ) from her bathroom prison like a true Prince Charming. I sigh.

"I'm coming down for a break. She still won't let me in," I say, a look a discourage making itself present on my face. Everyone else groans or gives me words of encouragement, which cheers me up at least a little.

Speaking of which: Why did they choose me to comfort her? I like ( y/n ), I really do, but I'm not good at comforting people. At all. I think I'm too awkward, but others say that just I don't try hard enough. Maybe they're right.

I walk into the kitchen and decide to get some stuff that might help ( y/n ). Advil, a glass of cold water, an ice pack, bandaids, and some ( favorite food ). Maybe that will cheer her up.

I head back upstairs with everything in my arms or hands and knock on the door once again. She must be getting awfully bored with nothing to do in there if she hasn't fallen asleep yet.
"( y/n )? I brought you some stuff..."

( y/n ) jumps at the sudden noise, hitting her back on the door. She hisses in pain and I can hear her rubbing where it hurts. It takes all of my self control to not laugh.
"I, I don't want a-anything," she hiccups, sounding like a sad child.

I frown and nudge the doorknob with my elbow since both my hands and arms are full.
"Not even ( favorite food ), water, and some Advil?"

She contemplates my offer for a moment before unlocking the door and opening it cautiously. ( y/n ) looks much better; it seems as if she hadn't been crying for a while.

My eyes trace all over her body, stopping at each scratch and bruise on her ( skin tone ) legs, thighs, and arms. She snaps to get my attention back to her face, so I chuckle sheepishly and hold my arms out.

( y/n ) takes the cup of water from my hands and nearly drains it within a span of five seconds. I'm surprised.
"Would you, erm, like the Advil? If you have a headache," I say awkwardly. She nods, ( h/c ) hair bobbing up and down. Cute.

I hand her the Advil and she pops it into her mouth, finishing off the water and licking her lips. ( y/n ) steps out of the bathroom and clicks the light off, closing the door. She slumps down the the floor and racks her hand through her pretty ( h/c ) hair.

I slump down next to her and smile softly.
"Are you hungry?"

( y/n ) tilts her head before nodding gently, an embarrassed blush lighting her cheeks up. I, without thinking, get some and hold it up to her mouth.
"Open wide."

She blushes harder and does as I say. When I put the ( favorite food ) into her mouth, her ( e/c ) eyes dart away from mine bashfully. I laugh.

I feed her until the food is gone, which leaves us both in uncomfortable silence. I have no idea what to say next.

( y/n ) turns to me and bites the inside of her bottom lip.
"What time is it?" she asks quietly, her voice sounding hoarse and strained. I glance up to the ceiling, trying to remember if it's 4am or 5am.

"Um," I stall, thinking back to the last time I saw the time on the microwave while grabbing Advil. "I think it's around 4am?"

She looks at me, her pretty eyes wide open.
"Why aren't you asleep yet? You're tired, aren't you?"

I blush, being the one to avert my eyes this time. I rub the back of my neck and then glide my finger tips over the ice pack's cool surface.
"I was waiting for you to come out of the bathroom. Y'know, to make sure you were okay..."

( y/n )'s silent. She blushes and puts her hands up to her face gently.
"Oh... Well, thank you."

I shrug.
"No problem."

All of a sudden, ( y/n ) jumps up and embraces me in a tight yet comfortable hug. I wrap my arms around her slowly, pulling her to my chest. I hear her sniffle and fight back tears, as if her tough wall suddenly crumbled to dust.

We sit like this for a while, hugging each other and me pulling my fingers through her now wavy hair. She just sniffles and rubs her eyes, squeezing the last tears out of her bloodshot ( e/c ) eyes.

I rub her back and slowly, slowly, she falls asleep in my arms like a child in their crib. I rock her in my arms gently, and, eventually, fall asleep against the wall with her still in my soft grip.


for some reason my writing is so much better in this one than the others lolll

only two/three more to write!!! hhh i just want to continue the story jsksksk

word count: 1076 words

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