please read~ <3

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oh boy, do i have some explaining to do...

hey guys! it's me, ya boi (aka pup).
i know, i know, chapter 22 isn't out yet,, what am i doing and why am i not writing/uploading it?
why am i wasting so much time?

well, first things first, i'd like to sincerely apologize to all of you for making you wait so long. i mean, what kinda author makes people wait four months and counting for a simple chapter?
i'm terrible, really.
i went into this book full well knowing that i suck at a consistent upload schedule. i went into this book knowing that my inspiration comes and goes quick, and that in between those odd times, i'm unable to write anything worth publishing and sharing to you guys.
it's not a valid excuse, and i know that.
i have to be more disciplinary towards myself if i ever want to continue any of my stories.
i'm sorry for the wait, and i'm sorry if i've disappointed you.
i'll try to be better from now on.

secondly, i have some news.
or rather, a question.
i've re-read some of my previous chapters and..
they suck.
there's no nice way to put it.
my writing has gotten so much better since i've started the book, and so i was thinking that, if you wouldn't mind, i'd rewrite the whole thing.

different book.
different cover.
different plot.

i want to make the characters have more depth, more eeriness and that serial killer vibe that they deserve. in this book at the moment, i've let them be too soft. i've let them do completely outrageous things like go out to bars, play tag at the park like children, and throw a christmas party.

this isn't (y/n)'s little paradise.

i want to make the story deeper and harder and much more...
i don't know. different.

but then again, i know that a lot of you are waiting on the updates. i've gone 21 chapters in and i already want to rewrite it without finishing the plot?
what the fuck?

( excuse my french. )

so, yeah. if you guys wouldn't burn me at the stake, i'd like to restart.

and third off, can i just say that it's absolutely insane how popular this book has gotten to be?
22k+ reads?
my writing isn't worthy of you guys, i can assure you that.
but thank you. a lot.
when i have really bad days, which seem much more common now, your comments always cheer me up. some of you are so funny and supportive and not once have i received any negative comment. it's surreal that i've gotten so much support.

anyways, thanks for reading this (if you even did).
please please please give me your opinions on the whole "new book" thing. i would appreciate it.

until next time,

( btw you look super cute today. )

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