So Maybe I'm Not Okay

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"How's your wrist?" Hattie asked me as we walked to our next class. "Is it doing any better?"

"Yeah, it's fine," I lied. Well, I mean, it was doing better, but it still hurt like hell. Too bad my ice had melted in our last class. "What about you? Chase didn't hurt you, did he?"

"I'm fine Paige," Hattie said, stopping in front of me. She looked down at my wrist. "Why did you come after me? You didn't have to do that."

"Oh, come on, you'd do the same for me," I replied with a smile. "Now let's get to class before we're late."

The end of the day came not long after, and my wrist was really starting to bother me. It wasn't throbbing or anything anymore, but was it supposed to sting every time I tried to move it?

I walked over to my locker to grab my backpack. Choosing to ignore the fact Marcus was trying to get a look at my wrist, I attempted to open my locker. It took a minute or so to open it with my wrist still hurting, but I managed. Just as I was about to leave, Marcus grabbed my shoulder.

"How's your wrist?" he asked.

"Fine," I answered and tried to leave again.

Marcus grabbed my arm. "Here. Just in case."

I looked down at the ice pack Marcus was holding out towards me. "Do you just carry ice packs around all the time in case you need them?"

"You'd be surprised," he replied with a smirk. With that I rolled my eyes and left. "See ya around Precious!"

"Shut up!"

Once I got home, I sighed. Finally peace and-



"Paige, I need your help!" Joshua cried, coming over and grabbing my hand, causing me to wince. "I don't know how to do my math homework."

I groaned. "Joshua, didn't you pay attention to your teacher in class today?"

"Yeah, but she can't teach like you can. Come on, please?" he pleaded, giving me his puppy eyes.

"Fine," I agreed. "But you owe me mister."

Joshua put his homework and pencil down on the kitchen counter. "What can I do for you?"

"Get me some ice?" I requested. "The ice I have is kinda melted."

"Why do you have an ice pack?" Joshua asked me as he handed me the ice.

I shrugged. "Just bruised it at school. Nothing much. So what were you supposed to learn in math today?"

Joshua grinned and sat down as I taught him how to do his math work. Hopefully my parents would be just as easy to convince.

A/n- First of, thanks for reading my book! Second of all, sorry for the shorter chapter. This is more of a filler, we'll get to the more interesting stuff in the next chapter, which will hopefully be coming out soon.

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