I Suck At Dancing Pt. 2...

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A/n-i have no idea what happened. i thought i had a plan for this chapter, but it turns out, i did not, so just bear with me.

Right as I got inside the gym, I ran into someone. It was really crowded, so when I stumbled back from the impact, I tripped over someone else's foot and started to fall. Luckily, the person I ran into grabbed my hand, keeping my head from meeting the gym floor. So much for good luck.

I sighed, a mix of relief and annoyance, and looked up at who had grabbed me, getting ready to apologize.

However, when I looked up I was not expecting to see Marcus standing above me, smirking the way he does, wearing his usual jeans and a loose white t-shirt and, surprisingly, a nice deep blue blazer. I'll admit, my heart skipped a beat, and my whole face was on fire.

"M-marcus?" I stuttered as he pulled me up, our faces painfully close together. "Uh, th-thanks?"

"No problem," he replied, a large grin on his face. "How's life?"

"I saw you, like, three hours ago," I pointed out, looking at his eyes. Alice was right, they were a really nice emerald.

Marcus shrugged, stepping back a bit, finally giving me a chance to breath. "So? What's changed?"

"Well, I'm wearing a dress, so a lot," I joked.

"Nah, you're still beautiful," Marcus said, his cheeks looking oddly redder than usual, almost like he was blushing.

At this point, I realized that my blush was going to be to obvious to hide, so I excused myself saying I was thirsty. I wasn't actually going to get a drink, since this was a high school and there were a fair amount of those boys who thought things like spiking the punch were fun here, but I did need a second. I was not expecting Marcus to put any effort into looking nice. I was also not expecting that rush of giddiness and butterflies I got when he pulled me up.

Screw it. I actually needed a drink.

I grabbed one of the red plastic cups that was sitting on the refreshments table and filled it up about half way to try and prevent it from spilling. Or more of, to prevent it from being a huge mess when it spilled, because in this crowded gym, there was almost no way this drink wasn't going to end up on me at some point.

I took a sip, and almost immediately spit it back out. Whatever I had just drank was definitely not fruit punch, despite its red coloring. It stung all the way down my throat.  I coughed for second. I left my cup on the table and walked back to my friends.

"I thought you were getting a drink," Alice teased when I got back.

"I think someone spiked the punch," I replied.

"This is boring," Hattie whined. "No one is even dancing!"

"Come on, we can't leave yet!" Alice protested. "My parents aren't expecting us home until nine. We have three hours."

"Alice," I said slowly. "The dance ends at eight."

"Are you sure? I thought it ended at nine?"

"Yes. I'm sure. Hattie and I checked."

"Should we just go to your parents house now?" Cindy suggested.

While my friends started to discuss what we should do, I glanced at a group of people leaving the gym. I recognized one of them as a girl we sat with at lunch, Luna.

"Hey Luna," I called, walking over to her. "What are you doing?"

"Apparently some kid in my math class is having a birthday party at his house," Luna quickly explained. "So we're going there since coming here was kind of a bust. Wanna come?"

"Is it okay if I bring some friends along?" I asked, looking back at my friends, still talking about what to do.

"I don't see why not."

(time skip brought to you by writer's block)

We got there and there weren't any obvious signs that made me regret my decision. Sure, you could faintly hear music coming from the house from the street. But there wasn't anyone throwing up outside or running around drunk.

To be fair, there wasn't anyone outside. But still. Luna was going, so it couldn't be that bad.

So we walked in. Marcus kept looking around like he was looking for something. Alice kept glancing around, looking at everyone's face. Hattie kinda stood in the doorway, like she wasn't quite sure whether or not she wanted to go in.

Luna looked at us. "You guys have been to parties before, right?"


"Never been interested."

"I just can't believe I'm actually here."

"You guys are depressing," I declared. "But yeah, no. Never been to a party."

"Well, we're going in," Luna decided, pushing all of us inside.

"Who's birthday party even is this?" I asked once she had shoved us all through the door.

"Some popular kids," Luna said dismissively, waving a hand at me.

Yeah, suddenly I was not so confident in my decision to come here.

A/n-i could try to explain myself, but i have nothing to say, other than i'm sorry for this mess of words that is my writing when i have writers block. sorry.

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