I Was Not Cut Out For High School Parties...

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Okay, so maybe this party was for a popular kid. And maybe there weren't any adults. As far as I could tell, there was no alcohol, and there wasn't anyone doing drugs.

Alice was dancing with a bunch of other kids in the living room, looking like she was having the time of her life. Marcus was standing by the wall with Hattie, looking like he wanted to join in, but wasn't sure about it. Hattie just stood there making fun of everyone on the dance floor, Alice and Luna included. Cindy was over by the dining room and she was talking to this boy that was in our Social Studies class. They were both smiling and laughing. I smiled too. They looked cute together.

I was currently sitting on the floor between two of the papasans that had been pushed up against the wall to make room for a dance floor. From my little hiding spot, I could see all of my friends and stay out of sight. Not that I was hiding, but I had trouble saying no to Alice and I was not going end up on that dance floor.

It went on like this for a little bit, but after a couple minutes, until someone came out of the kitchen, clutching a plastic cup in their raised hand, and shouted, "LET'S PLAY A GAME!"

There was a loud collected cheers of, "YEEEEEEESSSSSSSSS!!!!", and everyone started to form a circle.

Crawling out of my hiding place, and standing up on shaky legs, I tried to find any of my friends, but I ended up getting shoved to the floor and landing on my butt. I sighed acceptingly, and scanned the room with my eyes. I spotted Hattie and Marcus sitting near the wall where they had been standing a couple seconds ago, and Luna and Alice were seated a couple people to the right of them. Cindy was sitting across from me and when I met her eyes, she smiled and shrugged. I smiled back realizing neither of us really knew what was going on, but neither of us had the capability to fight it either.

The girl who suggested we play a game stood up in the center and waved her arms around to try and get everyone's attention.

"Okay, EVERYONE QUIET DOWN, alright listen, okay, so, here's the deal. We can have a bottle, so we could play spin the bottle," she proposed slowly. "Or, we could play never have I ever or truth or dare."

Everyone started screaming and shouting which one they wanted to play, and dissing the other options and generally acting like idiots.

Honestly, I had never felt so similar to the rest of my peers, because at that moment not only was I questioning their intelligence, but also my own for even thinking this could ever be a good idea. It was a party at some random kids house. What did I expect? I was going to have to find someway to ditch.

"Raise your hands for spin the bottle!"

A couple of hands went into the air and would have been joined by a couple more if it wasn't for all the sensible singles yanking their friends hands down.

"Raise your hands for truth or dare!"

A couple more hands than last time found their way into the air, but it was still way less than half of the people in the room. I kept my arms firmly crossed against my chest, trying to see if there was a way to leave the room without anyone noticing. I couldn't leave because I still had to go to Alice's house with the rest of my friends.

"Raise your hand if you wanna do never have I ever!"

This time almost everyone raised their hands, alongside dozens of cheers and whoops.

The girl laughed. "Never have I ever it is! I'll grab the cups!"

Two other girls offered to help her. Before long, there was a red plastic cup in everyone's cup, equally filled with some liquid I couldn't identify by just looking at it in my cup. We weren't allowed to drink anything yet, since apparently that would be cheating. I didn't even know what this game was about. I mean, truth or dare? I knew that one. My friends and I had made a couple sad attempts at playing it just us. Spin the bottle? Okay, maybe I didn't get that one completely, but I got the general gist of it. But never have I ever? Never have I ever heard of that game before.

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