There Are Worse Endings

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Quick A/n-in case you couldn't tell, i recently changed my username. yes, this is still the same book and nothing's changed. not really. anyway, here's the chapter you've been waiting for.

Marcus' POV

I slammed the door when I got back home. On one hand, this was probably the worst idea I've ever had. On the other, it was probably also the best idea I'd ever come up with.

Naturally, I was going to ask Chase for advice.

Which I knew for a fact was one of the worst ideas since man was created.

I crept upstairs to my room, carefully avoiding all the creaking boards, very aware of my parents sitting in the living room. Once I got upstairs, I walked down the hallway, hugging the walls to avoid the creaky plank running down the middle of the hall. I knocked quietly on Chase's door, waiting for a response.

"Yes sir?"

"It's Marcus."

"Come on in."

Chase was sitting on the floor, surrounded by papers. Packets and stray pieces of paper cover the floor except for a small ring around Chase where he had three photographs in front of him and a fourth in his hand that he was studying. A map as well as a poster sheet covered the bed, leaving pretty much no space to sit down.

"Uh, I didn't know we were planning another heist," I said uncertainly, glancing around the room, trying to identify anything about the plan.

"Nah, this is that stupid World Studies project," Chase replied, trading the picture in his hand for one of the ones in front of him. "I'm trying to figure out how this guy did it. He had this whole heist planned out, but someone tipped off the police. They placed a bunch of guards around the place hoping to catch him, only to realize come morning that the place had been robbed right under their noses."

"Could've been a false plan they tipped them off with," I suggested, carefully making my way to stand next to Chase.

"That's what I was thinking too, but the more I look at it, the more impossible the whole thing seems."

"Sounds rough."

"Yeah," Chase agreed, rubbing his eyes. "So, what's up Boss?"

I scowled. "You know I hate it when you call me that."

"Yeah, well, nicknames aside, you came in here for something. Spill."

"I want to turn our parents in."

"You have an fucking death wish."

"I'm serious."

"So am I. What makes you think we could pull that off? They're sitting in the living room where they keep the home phone. How are you planning to get it?"

"I have my cell phone on me."

Chase's jaw dropped. "They always take our phones the second we get home."

"I snuck in."

Chase shook his head. "This is stupid dangerous."

"So is letting them go. You know that."

Chase sighed. "Yeah. Yeah I do."

"So we're doing it?" I asked hopefully.

Chase looked up at me solemnly. "Yeah. I guess so. We're doing this."

I let out a breath I didn't realize I had been holding. "Alright. Alright."

"Why now?"

I looked up from my phone. "Huh?"

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