Leave Me Alone Punks

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A/n-Okay, fair warning, there will be cursing in this chapter. Well, more than usual. Whatever. Otherwise, enjoy!

Last Chapter-

I started walking to the bus loop. I was aware of Marcus walking next to me, but over the course of the afternoon, I had gotten used to it. I mean, I pretty much did this every morning anyway, since he and I had the same morning classes. So we walked silently to the bus loop.

I really wish that I could say we made it there fine, I sat next to Hattie like I usually did, and I went home to do my homework.

Well, I guess one of those things is true.


At some point, Marcus had started walking ahead of me. I didn't really notice though. I was thinking about trying to do some extra research, maybe even write the introduction to the essay, so I didn't notice that Marcus had already gone out the door to the bus loop. However I did notice when somebody behind me cleared their throat and called out, "Hey Shortie!"

Shit. I knew that voice. This was bad. Of course, I dealt with Marcus all day, and when Chase did show up, he was MIA. And since the buses were gonna leave any minute, no one was going to be coming this way-

"Hey, look at me when I'm talking to you!" Chase shouted, making me flinch. This was so not going to end well.

I turned around and saw Chase, with a couple other people behind him, walking towards me. 

Shit. I started running towards the door when a hand on my wrist yanked me back. I bit my lip, trying to hold back a scream, since it was the same wrist as the last time this happened.

"Look, personally, I think you have the wrong person," I tried to say, but Chase ignored me and just slammed me against the wall.

"Next, maybe you'll mind your own business," he growled.

Just as Chase was about to punch me in the face, the door to the bus loop opened and Marcus walked through saying, "Precious, the buses are leaving, you should really walk faster."

Then he looked up and saw Chase holding me by the wrist and his two friends on either side of him. I waved with my free hand. "Hey Marcus."

Marcus looked confused for about half a second before he rolled his eyes and sighed. "Really Chase? Really?"

"I told you, this bitch interrupted my talk with that Forest girl," Chase growled, digging his nails into my wrist. "She had it coming."

Marcus just sighed again. "You know, I told you not to. I told you to leave her, and all the other kids at this school, alone."

"You ain't in charge yet, Junior," Chase spat.

Marcus looked Chase straight in the eyes and glared. "You really need to stop calling me that."

(A/n-okay, i can't really write fight scenes, so you get this instead. sorry)

Marcus walked slowly over to Chase. I saw the ten over Marcus' head and the five over Chase's head. I looked over at Chase's three friends and saw the threes over their heads. I actually felt bad for them. Kinda. Although Marcus was outnumbered.

Chase's grip on my wrist loosened, so I yanked my arm away from him and kneed him where the sun don't shine. He bent over, cursing. 

Marcus grabbed him by the neck and pulled him up, so they were face to face. "Get your friends. And leave. Just. Leave. Got it?"

He let go of Chase and Chase scrambled to his feet, racing right past his so called 'friends'. His friends hesitated for a moment, probably thinking the same thing I was; There's three of them and one of him. They still have a shot.

But then Marcus glared at them and they were running after Chase calling, "Hey man, wait for me!"

Marcus watched them run for a moment. I clutched my wrist, watching him. I still was trying to process the fact no one died. For a ten, he really didn't act like one.

Once Chase and his clowns were out of sight, Marcus walked over to me and hesitantly offered me his hand. I don't know what he was nervous about. He was the one who just scared the crap out of the school bully, that most kids couldn't even look in the eye. I took his hand with the wrist that was still functioning and he pulled me up.


"You okay?" was the reply.

"Yeah. Yeah I'm fine."


We went outside, but the buses were gone by then. We made a silent agreement to walk home together. There wasn't really much else we could do.

We just walked for a bit, without talking. It was nice at first, but the silence was starting to killing me and I was about to try and start a conversation when Marcus whispered, "I'm sorry."

I blinked. He was joking right? "You're sorry? For what?"

"Not being there. The whole point of me sticking around was supposed to be preventing what just happened. Clearly, it didn't work."

"What do you mean, it didn't work?" I asked. "I mean, sure, it could've gone better, but if you hadn't come back, things could've gone way worse. Besides, today was actually, kind of fun."

Marcus looked at me with this calculating stare, like he was trying to figure out whether or not I was lying. I wasn't. Today was sort of fun. Marcus wasn't as bad as I'd thought he'd be. Still annoying. But not horrible.

Finally, Marcus smirked and said, "Really? I knew you liked me Precious."

"You're right, I do," I replied, smiling. "As long as your mouth isn't making any noise, than I like you just fine."

Marcus laughed. I realized that this was probably the first time I'd heard him laugh. It sounded nice. "Aw, come on, you know that you love my amazing voice."

"Uh huh," I scoffed, rolling my eyes. "Sure I do."

"Well, do you want me to stop talking?"

"That would be nice."

Marcus smirked and I mentally face palmed. What did I just walk into? "Then how about you make me?"

I blushed. "Okay."

Marcus looked like he was about to pass out from shock. I leaned in and...

...put a piece of duct tape on his mouth. I had been telling Alice that I'd use it on her if she didn't stop talking about Marcus non-stop, but looks like it was useful for getting Marcus to shut up too.

You didn't really think I was going to kiss him did you? Jeez, it's not like I'm some fictional girl who falls in love with prince charming after he saves her from the villain.

Yeah right. As if that'd ever happen.

A/n-Sorry for the wait. School is starting soon for me, so the waits may be longer going forward. 

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