I Suck At Dancing

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Lunch was kinda awkward for the first few minutes. Hattie had sat down in her seat and complained that she was tired, and I had said something along the lines of I bet. She then demanded to know what I meant. Luckily, I was able to cover it up by saying that she had bags under her eyes, making it obvious she would be tired.

I hated how good I was becoming at lying to my friends. But at least this time, I knew for a fact that they would want me to. Right?

Anyway, lunch aside, I think it all went pretty well. Especially in Social Studies when Cindy started asking me about the project. I even wrote a good deal of the essay, although I was going to have to go back later and make sure I didn't say anything too revealing. I said that I thought Johnny Bones and Lady Stitches were still up to their usual criminal activities, just keeping a lower profile. I left out any details about where they might live or the fact they have a kid. In my grade. Who happens to be my friend.

So, all in all, job well done.

Since we were all going to Alice's house, Hattie and I decided to take Alice's bus instead of our usual one because it made more sense. However, when we got to the bus, Hattie, Alice, and I ended up cramming all of us into the same seat. The alternative was having someone sit by themselves, and no one wanted anyone to feel like they were the odd one out. Although, this wasn't exactly much better. Especially since we all had our binders and backpacks with us too. There was only two words I could use to describe the experience; cramped and uncomfortable.

"So," Alice started, trying to distract everyone from the lack of space. "Do you have your dress Hattie?"

"Yeah," Hattie confirmed. "Does Paige have a dress?"

"Yep," I said, popping the 'p'. "Alice is letting me borrow one of hers for tonight."

"Really?" Hattie scoffed. "You actually got her to pick a dress?"

I glared at Hattie. "I'm not that stubborn, you know."

Hattie looked at me. "Uh huh."

"Not all the time," I muttered, looking at my shoes.

"So, what kind of make up-" Alice started to say slowly.

"NO!" Hattie and I both screamed.

"Quiet down back there!" the bus driver yelled back at us.

"Just no," I said, shaking my head. "No way."

"Oh, come on!" Alice begged. "You don't even have to wear that much!"

"NO!" Hattie and I shouted.

"Shut up!" the bus driver cried.

(A/n-and, because i don't want to write about paige's bus ride, let's see how well i can write marcus' perspective!)

Marcus' POV

Okay. This is fine. This is totally fine. I've never been to a dance before, but this is totally okay.

I still didn't know what I was supposed to do at this dance. I don't know any dances. Was I going to have to waltz? Or do the tango?

God I hate school.

Then again, it was definitely better than my parents teaching me. And I got to meet Paige.

Sighing, I walked over to the front door and called out, "I'm going to a dance!"

"Dressed like that?" my father scoffed, his usual condescending look in his eyes. "You're joking."

I growled in frustration. "Okay. Then what do you suggest I wear?"

"That's hardly my problem," he retorted, before grabbing his coat and walking out the door. "I'll be back next week. Your mother will be leaving in the morning and come back a day before me. Try not to do anything stupid."

"Where are you going this time father?" I asked, trying to know more about my parents lives. They always traveled, so I didn't know them as well as I felt I probably should.

My father slammed the door shut in my face and drove off loudly into the night.

Then again, maybe I had them figured out perfectly. They both were fucking jackasses, who spent their time robbing people to get money, rather than spending time with their actual fucking son.


I was about to head out the door again, but I decided to listen to my dad for once. Grabbing the first fancy jacket of his I found in the closet, and pulling it on, I ran out the door and started walking in the direction of the school. I had an hour before the dance started.

With my luck, I was going to be thirty minutes late.

Guess I better get started.

Back to Paige's POV

Well, it had taken a while, but we were finally all ready. At this point, we had thirty minutes to drive to the school.

Honestly, everyone actually looked nice. Alice had decided to invite Cindy over to get ready, so the four of us were able to get everything done pretty quickly, which was nice because as it was, I don't think I could've sat down any longer.

Alice decided to leave her hair alone after we tried and failed to do anything with it. It was just too short. But she put on some blue eye shadow and some bright red lipstick and paired it with a matching red dress. It turned out pretty nice.

Cindy kept her appearance pretty simple, tying her long hair back into twin braids. She was wearing a formal white blouse with a long black skirt that hung just above her feet. She said she wore it sometimes for band concerts and it was the first thing she found in her closet. I didn't realize she even took band, but I guess it made sense. Cindy was very academically inclined, and did a lot of extra curricular activities. Either, the outfit looked great on her.

Hattie went with a jean skirt that went down to her knees and a lime green top. The top was fairly fancy, considering it was Hattie, but it still looked pretty informal. At least you weren't required to dress up.

For me, Alice conned me into wearing some light pink lipstick that she claimed was barely noticeable, but I swore I could definitely tell it was there. Usually I liked to keep my hair down because I'm lazy as fuck and I had a habit of fidgeting with it when I was nervous. However, since there was supposed to be dancing, and I was probably going to get forced into joining Alice at some point, I decided to do a simple ponytail to keep it out of my way. And of course, I wore the teal dress Alice and I had decided on yesterday.

We got to the school and Alice's parents told us to call when the dance was over so they could pick us up. We thanked them for the ride and headed inside.

I crossed my fingers and hoped nothing went wrong.

A/n-i'm going to end this chapter here and just do a part two so the wait isn't as long. hopefully, that will be up in a couple days.

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