To Trust or Not To Trust

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The next morning, I was exhausted. My head hurt from lack of sleep.

Oh, and the fact that my best friend was working with my other friend, who happened to be the son of two super powerful criminals.

Yeah, I had a huge headache.

I slipped into the bathroom to change.

I stared at myself in the mirror for a minute. My hair was a mess, but otherwise, I looked fine. Considering how late I was up, I thought I'd have bags under my eyes, but I looked just like I did every morning.

I knocked on Alice's door, just in case she was changing, when I came back.

"Hurry up and grab your stuff, we're gonna be late!" Alice cried, throwing open the door and shoving my stuff in my arms. "Come on!"

I looked at my watch and realized we had two minutes to get to the bus stop. "Shit!"

I ran after Alice, trying to catch up with her and her stupid long legs. "Alice! Wait up!"

We ran pretty much all the way to the bus stop, just barely making it in time. We took a seat on the bus and took a minute to catch our breath.

"You think they'll still make us do P.E.?" I joked.

"I hope so," Alice said after taking a deep breath. She looked at up and saw me frowning at her. "What? I heard we're doing archery. Cool, right?"

I perked up immediately. "Really? Archery? See, now that's a sport I can do. No running or catching required."

Alice laughed. "Girl, I don't understand why you don't like P.E. It's fun! And, it's good for you!"

I stared at Alice like she had three heads. "It's humiliating and pointless! I hate it! Why can't we just walk around the track for physical education? I would do that. Or archery. Or, heck, I'd even do bowling! But soccer, football, fucking rugby? Seriously? They won't let us play dodge ball, because that's too dangerous, but rugby and football are totally fine?"

"You done with your rant, or do you wanna keep going?" Alice teased.

I shrugged. I felt my phone in my back pocket, and remembered the conversation I had heard last night. "Hey Alice?"


"What would you do if you overheard a conversation someone had, that was supposed to be a secret, and you felt like you should tell your friends because it affects them, but you don't want anyone to know you eavesdropped on the conversation?" I blurted out.

Great going me. Way too be subtle.

I looked back at Alice, who looked like a cherry. "O-oh? Well, I guess it depends on whether or not the people who had the conversation were your friends."

Did Alice spy on me last night? Or did she overhear someone else's conversation? Either way, it was pretty obvious she heard something.

At the same time though, it seemed like Alice had some pretty good advice to give, so I guess I'd ask her about it later. "What if they were? And you knew they'd want you to keep it a secret, even though it could affect a lot of people and they were going to tell everyone anyway?"

Yeah, Alice definitely heard something. Her face was red, and her eyes darted around desperately. "I g-guess you should probably keep it a secret, right? I mean, if they're going to reveal it anyway, then why should you?"

I thought about. Going off of the conversation I heard, Hattie and Marcus were working together to take Marcus' parents down. So, there was no real harm in just letting them go about their business, right? I didn't want to cause a problem if there didn't have to be one. But I still felt like I should tell Alice, so I wasn't leaving her in the dark. Right now though, she was still waiting for me to respond. So I said the first thing that came to mind.

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