Awkward...Everything. Just Everything

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A/n-sorry this took so long, i didn't really have a lot of inspiration and i was dealing with some stuff for a while, so that didn't really help much. anyway, there will be a really brief mention of girl x girl in this chapter, so if you aren't really comfortable with that, sorry. sort of. enjoy!

I woke up, confused for a second. It took my eyes a bit to adjust to the bright morning light spilling in from Alice's window. I rubbed my eyes, and forced myself to stand up and walk downstairs, since all the other girls' beds were empty and I assumed they were already down there.

Stretching my arms up to the roof as I walked into the dining room, I yawned and mumbled something along the lines of, "Good morning."

"Good morning, Precious."


I dropped my arms to my sides, suddenly very aware of the fact that my hair was probably a rats' nest, and I was wearing my pyjamas, which meant I was wearing some pretty short shorts. Like, seriously, you couldn't even see them because my shirt covered them up, although in my defense, my shirt was a couple sizes too big.

Alice coughed into her fist, expectantly. I glared at her.

Marcus was sitting in one of the chairs at the dining room table, a half eaten bowl of Lucky Charms in front of him, grinning like an idiot. Or a five year old, considering the type of cereal he was eating. 

"You look amazing."

"Shut up."

"I'm serious."

"S-shut up."

"Aw, you look cute when you blush."

"S-shut up!"





"My name is Marcus, not Jack."


"Oh, 100%. Didn't you know?"

"Nah, you're actually really sweet most of the time," I admitted, mostly because Alice was tapping her fingers impatiently on her arm, waiting for me to spill and do the dare.

It might've just been because I was tired, but I could've sworn I saw Marcus' face turn a light shade of red. "Really?"

"Did I just get you to blush?" I asked in disbelief. "Did I just get the stoic, bad boy Marcus to fucking blush?"

"Precious, I am not a bad boy. I just don't like people. But I'll make an exception for you," Marcus replied with a wink.

I could feel my cheeks heat up. "Oh really?"

Before Marcus could respond, Alice cut in, saying, "Paige, why don't you tell Marcus what you told me last night?"

"What did you tell Alice last night?" Marcus asked.

Yeah, my cheeks were on fire. "I, uh, liked your outfit?"

Alice face palmed, Cindy just smiled, and Hattie gave me a quick thumbs up before continuing to eat. Hattie never really was into romance.

"Oh. Thanks?" Marcus replied. "I liked yours too."


There was a moment of silence that Alice interrupted by telling me, "Paige, just tell him already before I make Hattie say it."

"Okay, tell me what?" Marcus asked. "Because I'm just confused."

"Ilikeyou," I blurted out.

Marcus blinked. "Oh. Oh. I, I like you too."

"R-really?" I stuttered. "You're not just saying that?"

"Yeah, I was planning to tell you after school or something, but since Alice invited me over, I figured I'd just tell you now," Marcus admitted, rubbing his neck nervously.

"Oh. Wow. You know, Alice only invited you over so I could confess to you."

"Yeah, I realize that now."

There was an awkward silence which was once again broken by Alice, this time groaning, "Ugh, you two are hopeless."

"Like you and your boyfriend are any better," I retorted, crossing my arms defensively.

"Girlfriend, actually," Alice corrected.

"Finally some information on your mysterious partner!" I exclaimed. "Do I know her?"

"Shouldn't you be more concerned with your boyfriend?"

"Isn't that a little forward?" Marcus asked. "I haven't even asked her out yet. Don't people usually go on a date first before they become a couple?"

"Not everyone does things the same way."


(time skip a couple minutes because i've been stuck on this part for days)

Everyone was now sitting comfortably around Alice's living room. Marcus was perched on the arm of the couch, Hattie sitting on the opposite end. Alice was sitting in the chair to the right of the couch and Cindy was sitting in the papasan across the room. Which left me on the floor. I mean, technically I could've sat next to Hattie and Marcus, but I had just confessed my feelings to Marcus, so I went with the safe approach.

Until Marcus fucking ruined it.

"Is the floor comfortable?"

My face was burning and I shifted nervously, keeping my eyes on the floor. "Kinda?"

I heard shuffling and screamed when I found myself being suddenly lifted into the air. Marcus had his arms around my shoulders and under my legs, holding me tightly against him, but I still hid my face in his chest. I had a problem with heights, and I didn't care how tightly he was holding me, I did not want Marcus to drop me.

"Put me down!" I demanded, clutching his shirt tightly. "Don't let go!"

"Which one?" he chuckled, setting me down lightly on the couch, keeping a hand on my shoulder.

I punched him gently in the shoulder before leaning back into the cushions and curling my legs up close to my body. "Jackass."

The cushion sank, I felt myself leaning ever so slightly in the direction of where Marcus had just sat down behind me. Too tired to really overthink it, I laid my head back on his chest and just closed my eyes. I heard plenty of oohing and teasing, but I was exhausted. I always had trouble actually waking up in the mornings and this morning was no different. Before long, I was fast asleep, curled up next to Marcus with him silently running his hand through my hair.

A/n-and this is my sad attempt at romance. hopefully next chapter will be up soon since it won't be as cheesy. anyway, sorry for the wait, thanks for reading!

fyi-i didn't mean to offend anyone when i said the lucky charms thing. it was just to be funny since marcus is supposed to be a ten and now he's acting childish. sorry if you didn't see it that way. 

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