Why Do I Do This?

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"Hello ladies," Marcus announced as he sat down next to me. "What's up?"

Alice's face turned so red, I thought she was about to explode. 

"M-m-marcus?" she squeaked, nervously fidgeting with her hair. "W-what are you doing here?"

"Uh, sitting?" Marcus answered, looking a little confused and more than a little concerned that Alice's face looked like a cherry. "Is that okay?"

"Why are you sitting here?" Hattie asked, narrowing her eyes at Marcus.

Marcus sighed as if he expected this to happen, which I didn't find too surprising. I mean, I didn't really like him, so why would my friend? "Look Forest, I don't want any trouble-"

"Guys chill, he's with me," I interjected. Alice's eyes widened and her face seemed to get even brighter red, if that was even humanly possible. "What?"

"He's with you?" Hattie questioned, raising an eyebrow. "Alright, who are you and what have you done with Paige?"

I sighed. "Trust me, it's just temporary. Marcus wants to hang around until Chase forgets about the incident yesterday. After that, he's outta here."

"Right here Precious."

I turned to Marcus. "I told you not to call me Precious."

Marcus shrugged playfully, a smirk on his face. "Must not have heard you."

I rolled my eyes while biting my lip to keep myself from smiling. "Really? I got you to agree to not call me Precious."

Another shrug. I bit my lip harder. "Must've slipped my mind."

"This was less than a minute ago."

"Really? Interesting."

I couldn't help it. I burst out laughing. Which sucks, because my laugh is obnoxiously loud. Honestly, I'm sure the people across the cafeteria could hear my laughing if they weren't so absorbed with their conversations.

"You're an idiot," I gasped between laughs. Alice laughed with me and Hattie joined in too. Marcus sat there grinning widely, looking proud of himself.

"Still going to get rid of me when Chase is gone?" Marcus asked teasingly.

I placed a finger on my chin, pretending to be deep in thought. "Well, I suppose we'll just have to see."

After spending the rest of lunch listening to Marcus making a fool of himself, Alice pulled me aside as we walked out of the cafeteria. 

"So, what happened yesterday? I'm guessing your wrist didn't actually get caught in the bathroom door," Alice said.

I sighed. "Alice, I'm sorry-"

"Is that really what you told her?"

Alice and I turned around to see Marcus barely containing a laugh. "Your wrist got caught in the bathroom door?"

I sighed again. "Shut up. I didn't want Alice to worry about me."

"Well now I'm worried because you won't tell me what happened," Alice said, crossing her arms. "Don't you trust me?"

"Of course I trust you," I assured Alice. "I just don't think it's really my secret to tell."

"Don't go trying to blame your lies on me," Hattie interjected.

"Wait, Hattie knows, but I don't?" Alice asked. "Tell me what happened!"

"It was nothing," I told Alice. "I just saw Chase being a jerk to Hattie and may have reacted a little rashly."

"Sure, if you call insulting the biggest bully in the school a little rashly," Hattie corrected.

"I was trying to make sure you were okay!" I defended. "I'm sorry that I care about your well being."

Alice shook her head. "Girl, you are way too selfless. You matter too, okay? If this happens again, I expect you to tell me. Without needing an interrogation. Got it?"

"Got it," I agreed, turning to walk to my next class, just to find Marcus in the way. "Marcus, please move, I need to get to class."

"I know. I'm coming with you."

"No you're not. You don't even have the same class as me."

"You agreed to let me hang around."

"Yeah, just not in a stalker way."

"I don't see what your problem is," Alice muttered under her breath.

I glared. "Not helping."

"Aw, come on, please?" Marcus pleaded. "I'll walk you to class and then you don't have to see me again unless we run into each other."

"Fine," I groaned. "But you can not try to run into me on purpose. It has to be purely coincidental."

"Of course Precious," Marcus winked.

I sighed and looked at Alice who was staring dreamily at Marcus. I looked back at Hattie who was smirking at me. As she walked past, she gently pushed me closer to Marcus.

This was not going to be fun. What did I ever do to my friends to deserve this?

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