A Night of Confessions...

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A/n-alright, i started writing this chapter, and then somethings just sort of happened when i started writing in marcus' perspective. that being said, i really like this chapter and what it reveals about some of the characters who are more in the background. enjoy!

After Marcus kissed me, he stood up and handed his cup to some random kid on his way to the front door. I was kind of glad he left, because my emotions were all over the place, but I kinda wish he had stayed just a little longer.

Fingers still hovering over my lips, I let out an undignified shriek as I was tugged backwards. I looked up from my position on the floor and saw, surprisingly, Alice's excited face.

"Oh my gosh, I can't believe he just kissed you!" she squealed excitedly, letting go of my shoulders to clap her hands together enthusiastically. 

"Can I get up now?" I squeaked, my voice still not working after what had just happened.

Alice laughed, and stood up, offering me a hand. I was glad that she wasn't upset, although I have to admit, I was confused as fuck. Was she over Marcus? I really hoped so. Because I had fallen hard, fast. Or maybe I had been falling for him for a while and I just refused to see it.

"Well, looks like I was right," Hattie said smugly as she walked over to me. "You were crushing."

"C-can we just go now?" I choked out, not able to deny what Hattie was saying. She was probably right.

It took a couple of minutes of teasing and me pleading with them to leave me alone before we finally left. After that, it wasn't long before we were comfortably inside Alice's room, blowing up air mattresses and getting out sleeping bags.

"Tonight was fun, wasn't it?" Cindy said, once everything was set up and we were all sitting on our beds.

"It looked like Paige enjoyed herself," Alice teased.

I blushed furiously. "Aren't you supposed to have a crush on him or something?"

This time it was Alice's turn to blush. "Well, yeah, I mean, I did, but..."

"But?" I prompted, eager to get the focus off of me.

"I, uh, may or may not be in a relationship?" Alice blurted out, her eyes closed tightly as she waited for our reaction.

I was shocked. Well, actually, not really, Alice was the only person in our friend group to have dated people before, and she was really outgoing, so it didn't surprise me that she had gotten into another relationship. But I was shocked, and a little miffed, that she didn't tell us!

"Wow, that's amazing, congratulations!" Cindy said giving Alice a quick hug. 


"But, if we can go back to the whole party situation," Hattie interjected. "I, personally, still have a few questions."

"Yes," Alice agreed, her face now serious and strict, which was a scary look for her. "I agree. Many questions."

"There isn't any way I'm getting out of this, am I?" I asked meekly. I was met with three shaking heads. "Thought so."

"I just want to know why he kissed you!" Hattie declared, crossing her arms. "I mean, you literally just said you had never had a crush on anyone!"

"I don't know," I admitted. What I didn't admit, however, was how glad I was that he did. 

Apparently, I didn't even have say anything, because all my friends got that look on their faces. Everyone has it. That look you give your friend when you're about to tease the shit out of them. I had never been on the receiving end of that until now.

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