My Friends and I Suck at Planning

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I got home, having pretty much sprinted the whole way home. I closed the door and then leaned heavily against it for a minute trying to catch my breath. I hate running.

"Well you look like shit," Joshua commented, looking at me like I was slightly crazy.

I glared at him. "Shut up. Where's mom and dad?"

"At the store."

"Great. I'm going to stay over at Cindy's house this afternoon. I should be back by tonight. Maybe," I added, realizing we had no real plan. What were we even thinking?

"Weren't you just at her house?" Joshua asked, dragging me out of my thoughts.

I shook my head. "I was just at Alice's house. Just tell mom and dad that I'm with a friend, okay?"

I went upstairs and grabbed a backpack, putting my computer in there, along with a notebook, a mix of pens and pencils, a water bottle, and a few nature bars. I had no idea what we were planning on doing to take down a crime lord, but I'd rather be prepared. Also, if I was going to die, I was going to have a fucking Kind Bar. Those things tasted good, and, unfortunately, I couldn't carry around a cake, so these were the next best things.

As I reached for the front door, it also occurred to me that, not only did we not have a meeting place, but I was right. Next. Door. To the psycho criminal my high school friends and I were planning on stopping.

What was the fucking plan?

I turned around and went to the living room, sitting down on one of the sofas, pulling out my computer and opening google hangouts. As long as I had my computer with me, I might as well use it.

"I though you were going to Cindy's house."

"We never actually decided whose house to go to," I replied dismissively, not really paying attention to my brother. "I'm trying to ask her that now."

"Whatever," Joshua sighed, disappearing upstairs.

I rolled my eyes and then looked at the message I had just sent;

hey, so, we never actually said where we were going to meet back up. also, i think now would be a good time to mention that, i live right next door to marcus. also, what the hell is our plan? it better be a damn good one because this is, legit, a criminal the cops couldn't catch. we're teenagers. in high school. with no experience. so, plan?

It took a minute, but my computer dinged, and I read Alice's message;

looks like we're meeting you at your place then. how about, say it's a sleepover-marcus can just stay at his place-and that way, we're all already close.

I took a deep breath.


A/n-alright so, the plan right now is to do another chapter from marcus' perspective and then one more after that and be done. the next chapter will most likely be about the same length as this one. just to give you guys a heads up. i'll let you know if that plan changes. thanks for reading!

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