The Wheels on the Bus Go Round and Round

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My parents weren't exactly thrilled about me going back to school the next morning, but I convinced them that I'd be extra careful going up and down any stairs. They still insisted that I didn't leave Hattie or Alice's side. I promised them I'd stay close to my friends.

Nevertheless, they still walked me to the bus stop. I love my parents a lot, but sometimes, they really over did it.

"Are you sure you'll be alright?" my mom asked once we got close to the bus stop.

"Don't worry Mom, I'll be fine," I assured her. "You go out and stop criminals everyday. I'm sure I can handle seven hours of school."

"Alright," she agreed. "But be careful. I love you."

"Yeah, I love you too."

I walked over to the group of students waiting for the bus and started to look for Hattie. I wasn't too surprised I didn't see her at first, but I promised my parents I'd stay close to my friends, so I kept looking.

"Whatcha looking for Precious?"

I turned around and saw Marcus standing behind me. He was wearing sunglasses, which was a bit unusual, but I guess it was bright out. Although, summer was really over by this point.

"Hey Marcus," I greeted, smiling. "You seen Hattie?"

"No I haven't," Marcus responded tiredly. "But I can't really see well in these stupid sunglasses."

"Then why are you wearing them?"

Marcus seemed to get a little paler. "I like wearing sunglasses?"

I was about to make a comment on how bad of a lie that was when the bus arrived. I quickly glanced around one last time, but I still didn't see Hattie. 

Marcus noticed that I wasn't getting on the bus and asked, "You planning on going to school today Precious?"

"My parents only let me come to school today if I stayed close to my friends," I told him. "But I don't see Hattie and Alice doesn't take this bus to school."

"Well, I could sit next to you," Marcus offered. "I mean, I'm one of your friends, right?"

I smiled. "Of course Marcus. Thanks."

Marcus smiled back. "No problem. That's what friends do, right?"

"Yeah, I guess it is," I replied, taking a my regular seat. Marcus sat down next to me. It was a little weird having him sit in Hattie's seat since they didn't seem to like each other, but what they didn't know would hurt them.

It was quiet for awhile before Marcus slowly said, "So, about lunch yesterday..."

I tensed. "Yeah?"

"How much of that did you mean?"

I brought my legs to my chest and and wrapped my free arm around my legs, bringing them closer to me. "I didn't really mean any of it. I guess I was just upset."

"About what?" Marcus asked.

"I don't know," I mumbled.

"Are you sure?"

"I don't remember."

"This literally just happened yesterday."

"I missed having you and your stupid comedian self around, okay jackass?" I blurted, then covered my face with my hands. "Okay?"

Marcus was quiet. I peeked through my fingers to see how he reacted. He looked shocked. "B-but I was still there. How could you miss me?"

"Forget it," I muttered, covering my face again.

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