Quick A/n-Please Read

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Alright, so before I can really write the next chapter, I need to figure this out, and I figured I'd ask for you guys' input.

I'm planning on writing a sequel to He Was A Ten, called She Had Ten Seconds. It's going to be from Marcus' perspective and I'm not going to say anything else, so I don't spoil anything.

So basically what I'm trying to figure out is how many chapters do I need to wrap this book up?

I think I could get a pretty good ending in the next chapter, but I don't know if I should try to do multiple. So feel free to let me know what you guys think.

Also, thanks so much for the 5k reads! I can not believe that I've gotten this many reads for this story. It's incredible. And I owe it to you all, so thank you so much for this wonderful experience. :)

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